Did you notice this?

From today's Free Press story on campaign finance filings:

A potential Sanders opponent, State Auditor Tom Salmon, wrote in a filing that he won't seek re-election and hasn't incurred enough expenses to trigger federal disclosure. He said he's considering a run for Senate or perhaps governor.

Now we know from all the wild comments we've heard from Salmon that what he says isn't necessarily a reliable guide to what he's going to do, but this statement, and a longer statement reproduced in the print edition, sounded pretty definite.

Maybe we'll have a chance to elect someone who actually wants to do the job.

4 thoughts on “Did you notice this?

  1. I still say Jim Douglas will run with lots of cash from outside the State.  He resigned as Guv  when he had a good chance at a fifth term, has a VPR gig, OpEds popping up, a Middlebury college “job”.  He is setting himself up to run.  My guess is February to announce. Lots of R’s would love to be rid of Bernie.

  2. on WCAX last night. His previous claim to run against Sanders was so breathrakingly foolish I could not believe even he is that dumb.

    My guess is that it was always a possible guv run he had his sight on.

  3. This is kind of interesting:

    “I’m certainly hoping we’re looking at having someone toward the end of July,” McDonald said. “We know Brian Dubie said he would be announcing toward the end of summer, and we have others who are interested.”

    http://www.timesargus.com/apps… Republican Chairwoman MacDonald is hoping for a candidate by the end of July.Dubie keeps getting mentioned.

    Wonder if Dubie wants a re-match.Could he repair his nice guy image so badly tattered by Cory Bliss in the last campaign?

    It was well into January 2011 when the campaign dust finally settled.Dubie and Bliss finally issued in court letters of apology thus resolving a civil suit from statements made by his campaign.

    WILLISTON, Vermont . . . January 4, 2011 . . . David Blittersdorf, CEO of AllEarth Renewables and founder of NRG Systems, released the following statement after resolving the civil suit he filed against the Dubie Campaign in response to statements made during the 2010 gubernatorial election:

    “I am pleased with this outcome and to be able to move forward. My hope is that Vermont continues to preserve the type of elections we can all be proud of. I look forward to continue working with Brian on our shared interest in advancing renewable energy and creating jobs in Vermont.”

    A settlement was reached after both Brian Dubie and his campaign manager Cory Bliss submitted letters to Blittersdorf (attached). The settlement agreement was submitted to the Chittenden Superior Court today


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