Here we go again

Here we go again.


(425) 643.1131; FAX (240) 384-7297For response to this May 10, 2011 News Release Re: Legal proof that President Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery.Dear Sir/Madam,I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to theworld on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshopor Illustrator programs and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class Bfelony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47,Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense. When this comes to the public’s attention, it will be the greatest scandal in the country’s history—nothing comes even close. This will surpass the all previous scandals including the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration.

So in case you're wondering, no, this is never going to end.  After all, he's never going to produce a birth certificate that proves he's white.

The phone number of the idiot who came out with this new claim is at the top of the diary. Feel free to give him a call.

5 thoughts on “Here we go again

  1. and all the Republican hopefuls are out there shooting themselves in the head with unbelievably stoooopid remarks about just about anything that pops into their heads.

    The phone number of the idiot who came out with this new claim is at the top of the diary. Feel free to give him a call.

    Yeah, but don’t do it from your home phone or you’ll have a permanent hook-up with Crazy Central.

  2. I’m not sure why you want to give this more traction.  There’s no birther movement in Vermont that I know of.

    Chris Matthews keeps saying he’s sick of the birthers, but then he keeps talking about them.

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