The Comfort Zone (Updated by Trump story)

so glad Obama can prove his birth

it was making me uncomfortable

giving me some homesick flashback

you know about me don’t you?

I’m your average American lost

in time and space in the Comfort Zone

when the corporations murdered

Jack Kennedy I was so relieved

by the Warren Commission report

and next thing I knew I was here

where nobody would tell me exactly

what’s what except not to worry about it

since 1964 I’ve been trapped here

not that I’m complaining mind you

but sometimes I long to go back

back when maybe we could fix things

by speaking out about the obvious

like what was WWII all about anyway?

like when did graduated income tax

become tax breaks for the rich?

and all these wars we don’t really need?

still it is comfortable here

they let me have everything I need

well maybe not as much anymore but hell

I can’t do anything about that  can I?

I can’t get out of here  there’s

a goddamn force field or something

sometimes I think maybe what the fuck

who cares anyway?  it’s like nature

shit happens and the planet’s in on it

but I’m so glad Obama was really born

they say now they can genetically

engineer people  even leaders

I don’t want to think about this stuff

there’s a fucking game on today

and my team is going to beat your team

professional sports are incorruptible

here in the Comfort Zone  and I can

take a nap on the couch besides

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt

And Holy Shit!  This just in…30 seconds ago.

Donald Trump escalated his questions about President Obama at a press conference just now breaking up outside the New York Stock Exchange.

Trump has previously charged Obama with being an illegal alien (see Trump Statement At Ellis Island), and on Monday (see Trump Statement On As The World Turns), Trump accused the President of being a ‘poor student’ not worthy of admission to Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

Obama released full and detailed Hawaiian birth certificate records this morning, and the New York Stock Exchange has been fluctuating as of mid-day.  The President has yet to respond to Trump’s questions on his academic record.

But, just moments ago, Trump released his latest bombshell:  “I would like to know if the President has ever in his life told, what we all know as, a stupid honky joke.  I have sources who have told me that, not only has he made them in the past, but, since he became President, has been making more and more of them.  I challenge President Obama to deny this, and, further, if the President does not respond to this request, well…I will be forced to make him respond.  Then Americans will see the President’s true color.  And mine.”

And then Trump cited former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman’s testimony at the famous OJ trial:  “Fuhrman said, as we all recall, he had never said or thought the N word in 10 years. Come on.  Even I’ve done that.  A lot.  So, it stands to reason that the President has had his lapses, and the American people demand full disclosure.  I can assure you, I have a long long list of questions about Obama.  I haven’t even gotten into his sex life yet.  I’m saving that for next year.

“No, no questions,”  Trump concluded.  “What, you clowns work for me.  You want to get fired!”


2 thoughts on “The Comfort Zone (Updated by Trump story)

  1. As an austerity measure, the Ridiculous Right intends to dispense with the “bread” entirely. They figure “circus” alone will distract everyone long enough for them to take the money and run.

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