A pound of polls weighs…

What is it with the media’s love of meaningless polls?

In an article in today’s Rutland Herald, staff writer Susan Smallheer may have slipped and fallen prey to Vermont poll syndrome by letting another questionable poll punch above its weight. This stands out from Smallheer’s usual Vermont Yankee coverage.  

The paywalled article: Report: Entergy will keep operating Yankee, without state permit; Houston firm predicts a courtroom showdown between Vt., Entergy is about Jefferies Equity Research firm’s report that surmises Entergy’s coming strategy. Many doubt the study’s conclusions that Entergy will just continue to operate the plant and fight Vermont in the courts. The study includes an aggressive disclaimer:

Jefferies does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Investors should be aware that Jefferies may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report


So how does a pound of feathers ever weigh more than a pound? Smallheer claims:

The Jefferies report also gave weight to the recent results of The Doyle Poll, the unscientific poll conducted during town meeting by Sen. William Doyle, a Washington County Republican, which showed that 45 percent of Vermonters now favored Vermont Yankee to continue to operate. The poll, which is voluntary and open to repeated participation, showed a flip from 2010, when Vermonters were 52 percent against the relicensing, in the wake of the radioactive tritium leaks at Yankee.


But this poll, Doyle’s latest in his long running series of voluntary, easily manipulated polls, was taken on town meeting day before the almost month old Fukushima power plant problems.

Can’t imagine how the Jefferies report – insightful or not – gives weight to a thoroughly unscientific local poll taken before the Japanese nuclear accident which may shift attitudes. It still weighs a pound.  

5 thoughts on “A pound of polls weighs…

  1. So although it is now news, her interpretation, I believe, is flawed. I also have the Herald story.

    One thing to keep in mind-it’s the opinion of a stock analyst. They are paid to lie, that’s how they make their living. If he did not report it as such, there would be a run for the door, Entergy’s stock could plummet. Look carefully-much of his information we know to be patently false as well as misleading. I’m surprised how may seem to think it has any weight at all, which goes to prove the adage that if something is repeated often enough, it will be believed, at least my some.

    Doyle poll is another unscientific poll that can be manipulated. He is also a Republican & few of them if any do not support VY & have busied themselves in a do-or-die mission to keep the rotting reactor running to brinkmanship, even if it means negating the vote a year ago & undermining our entire legislative process as well as states rights sacrificed upon the altar of Entergy Louisiana.

    Despite leaking pipes, contaminated drinking water well, cracks in the vessel & the new contamination being carefully covered up as we speak, as well as refusal to test drinking water well-it was hastily shut down & tested only once since Yankileaks #1-or abide by the PSB, DPS & governor’s orders.

    What the hell happened to that weekly testing schedule, & the biweekly reports in the form of affadavits to D’OH!???

    The bureaucrats answer? The officials involved will be drafting a letter. I sure hope it’s strongly worded!

    I would like the breakdown of the towns. We all know the conservative pockets, esp those who do not live in the shadow of the plant have very different views.

    Likewise, those living in that region around the plant, esp the EPZ, though not VTers also have very different views than some VTers as they do live in the shadow.

    Analyst: No VY shutdown in 2012

    By BOB AUDETTE / Reformer Staff

    Posted: 04/06/2011 03:00:00 AM EDT

    Spent fuel rod storage containers at Entergy Vermont Yan­kee. (Reformer file photo) Wednesday April 6, 2011

    BRATTLEBORO — According to Jefferies, an investment advising company, Entergy will continue to operate Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant in Vernon beyond the March 2012 cut-off date.


  2. … is another of our “grandfather’s lightbulbs.” (Pardon the insider reference to one of my own earlier comments, but it’s pertinent.) The Doyle Poll is an institution; every year it gets dutifully reported as news. And it gets a little extra play because it comes from Bill Doyle, good guy and State House fixture.

    But the poll is completely unscientific, and doesn’t deserve the ink it gets in the Vermont press. (Or the electrons it gets in the media…) I’m not surprised that Jefferies cited the Doyle results; they get so much coverage, that an outsider might easily conclude that they are actually meaningful.  

  3. Years ago, the Simpsons already had this covered:

    Newscaster Kent Brockman: Now, here are some results from our phone-in poll: 95% of people believe Homer Simpson is guilty. Of course, this is just a television poll which is not legally binding. Unless Proposition 304 passes, and we all pray it will.

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