Want a tax cut?

Who doesn't like the idea of having their taxes cut, right? After all, taxes are money out of your pocket, and nobody feels that they have enough money, so if they can hold onto some of it they'll be happy.

That's been the Republican mantra for decades, ever since Reagan was president, or even earlier (remember Jarvis-Gann in California, the proposition that has decimated California's educational and other public institutions?).

This idea continues to form the latest Republican tax proposal, and I think it really deserves a close look.

You see, the Republicans, and their head budget guy, Paul Ryan, have proposed a new tax plan, and their plan does, as promised, cut taxes. A lot. $182,900,000,000.00. In case you're not used to reading numbers like this, it's $182.9 billion.

There's only one problem here. With all that money in tax cuts, who's not getting a tax cut?


That's right, you and everyone else who makes less than $127,769 a year. In fact, the bottom 90% of all taxpayers would receive a tax increase.

Not to worry, though, because we are getting a big tax cut in the aggregate. Does it really matter if 100% of those tax cuts are distributed to the highest 10% of all earners?

The Republicans are betting that it won't matter one bit, because they'll still pitch the debate as one where they are proposing a tax cut and Democrats are proposing a tax increase.

I would think, though, that there should be a huge difference between the Republicans' usual tactic, which is to package a pittance in tax cuts to the middle class with gigantic tax cuts to the wealthy and this new plan, which is to actually raise taxes on the middle class to fund big tax cuts on the rich.

This is really Robin Hood in reverse. This should be a winning argument for us, but it has to be made, and made loud and clear, every single day.

11 thoughts on “Want a tax cut?

  1. Had a falling out with Maid Marian, got tired of living in the forest, and found out there’s way more money on the other side.

  2. Pardon me, Jack, but not being good at tables, I don’t get this one–Is it that people who make less than 20,000 a year will have to pay $47 more dollars in income tax?  If that is so, and it passes, then this country will truly SUCK.


    Did you ever wonder what the Rich do with all their money?  Do you think maybe they’re using it to build underground complexes where they can sit out the Nuclear War they’re going to start when they get done stealing all the money?

    I’ve thought about this.  Won’t they need restaurants and stores and theatres and health clubs and…well, workers to take care of them and clean up their shit?  And their pets’ shit?  A whole new jobs stimulus.  And they’re keeping it a secret.  Well, I’m putting in my application today.  I can cook and clean and write DEEP THOUGHTS.  I think we all need to get our applications in.  Perhaps if we mail them to people like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, they’ll find their way to the Big Shot who will be doing the hiring.

    “To Whom It May Concern,

    I am hereby applying for the position of Slave at any of the venues where my services will be needed.  Enclosed is a resume.  But I was just kidding about all that shit I wrote about you folks being Pigs, Fascists, and Nazis.  I was merely trying to teach the people who do your PR that a Sense Of Humor sells.  In reality, I think you Rich People are really swell and I always hoped someday to be one of you after I won the Lottery.  But, you know darnit, them SOCIALISTS would probably have tried to raise my taxes and make my life generally miserable, unlike you Wonderful Folks who are supplying all these new jobs.

    Please also post anything you will have available on the Green Mountain Daily website, so all my friends over there will have an equal opportunity to send you the appropriate responses.

    Yours Sincerely (In Christ, of course),

    Jack Handy (AKA: PeteySweety)

    Thinking, as always, Deep Thoughts”

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