Word Cloud comparison – Peter Shumlin & Jim Douglas

(Cool. – promoted by odum)

I saw a word cloud comparison today between Obama’s speech and she-who-won’t-be-named. I thought it might be interesting to do the same for Shumlin’s 2011 Inaugural Address and Jim Douglas’ from 2009.

Shumlin – 2011

Wordle: Peter Shumlin - 2011 Inaugural Address

Douglas – 2009

Wordle: Jim Douglas - 2009 Inaugural Address

One thing that stood out to me was the lack of action words that were in Peter’s speech like create, deliver, build, innovative in the Douglas speech. Also, for someone who was elected with the slogan Jim=Jobs, I had to look hard to find that word in his word cloud.


5 thoughts on “Word Cloud comparison – Peter Shumlin & Jim Douglas

  1. First, I loved looking at these Wordles.  It is especially fun to click on them and blow them up.  I put them side-by-side and the comparison was really interesting.

    Second, I have seen some word clouds floating around, but did not know that the Wordle program existed.  It is amazing and really fun.  It would have been a terrific tool to use when I was teaching high school creative writing!  

    Thanks for this creative post!

  2. it is interesting, but I wouldn’t want to make any judgments  them. 2011 is different from 2009, and Douglas had done it before.

    can’t really compare them all that closely

  3. it is interesting, but I wouldn’t want to make any judgments  them. 2011 is different from 2009, and Douglas had done it before.

    can’t really compare them all that closely

  4. There are words, and then there’s action. Regardless of the number and prominence of positive action words in EX-gov Douglas’s speech, we saw mostly inaction and destructive action.


    In a Time of Universal Deceit, TELLING the TRUTH Is a Revolutionary Act. ~ George Orwell  

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