Phenomenal Shumlin FAIL

Oh for god’s sake. From Totten:

One key appointment hasn’t been announced publicly, though: chairman of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors. This person assembles the 18-member advisory panel that, in turn, shapes the governor’s economic policies.

Since the reign of Gov. Madeleine Kunin, one man has chaired this council – Harlan Sylvester, the political kingmaker and consummate insider I wrote about last October in a story titled “The Man Behind the Throne.”

Sylvester backed Republican Brian Dubie for governor, raising questions about whether Shumlin would keep Sylvester around. Question no more: Despite Sylvester’s support for his rival, Shumlin has decided to keep the 77-year-old on as the council’s chairman.

This is appalling. Sylvester is a paper tiger: a self-appointed kingmaker who has made himself legendary in Burlington political circles. His only real power has come from the perception of his power, and his consistent talent at presenting himself as a big shot.

Economically, he espouses just the kind of big corporate, trickle-down, discredited supply side nonsense which has crippled the US economy, limited real prosperity (except among those with the highest incomes) and threatened much of our safety net. He is the failed past – and a Dubie/Douglas supporter to boot. Further empowering him in this way does we, Shumlin’s allies – particularly in Burlington – no favors whatsoever. On the contrary, Sylvester should be politically marginalized.

It was one thing when Shumlin acknowledged political opponent Bill Stenger of Jay Peak fame – the same one who was instrumental in the legally questionable (at best) RNC television ad against him – during his inaugural speech. That looked kinda noble.

By re-promoting Sylvester to his appointed lordship (and squandering an opportunity to get some new blood and new ideas where they are desperately needed), Shumlin doesn’t look noble. He looks like an eager-to-please puppy dog. And in retrospect, it makes the Stenger acknowledgment look a little less rosy. Stenger, after all, apparently stood him up in the actual inauguration, as it sounded as though Shumlin couldn’t find him on the floor.

I don’t know about you, but I’d be more interested to see the big-shot moneybag Republican supporters looking eager to please the new Governor, rather than have him looking quite so eager to play the role of corporate old boy network groupie.

14 thoughts on “Phenomenal Shumlin FAIL

  1. This flies in the face of all Shumlin claims to stand for.  

    Though treating opponents & rivals w/respect & even inclusivness when appropriate is not a bad idea, this goes far beyond that in allowing someone who is an integral component of the failed regime to continue to spread their poison which is obviously still present as evidenced by this decision.

    I can only hope he comes to his senses.

    The right in VT is marginalized & pushed back to the extent they have not been in a while. This is well deserved. Ball was in their court. They are a large part of what is wrong w/VT.

    If they are to make it anywhere, let them do it themselves as the Dems have had to do w/great effort.

  2. what possible advantage is in this for each of them.

    Maybe in a more appropriate vernacular one might ask: ‘what’s init for da both of’um.’

  3. Jesus Shit Christ!  Is this gonna be 2009 all over again?  This does not bode well for Heath Care and other ‘equitable economic issues’ for Vermonters.  Or is Shumlin gonna say:  “Gotcha!”  Let us Hope there will be a Change.

  4. Name me ANY Dem in power who is not scared witless of being labeled “anti-business.”  OF COURSE the Gov is going to pander to the Harlan Sylvesters of this world…

    …on the other hand, just because he’s put Harlan on some board doesn’t mean he has pay attention to anything he says…!  And I don’t rightly remember the Council of Economic Advisors having any particular power anyway…

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