Transition stuff: Transportation picks and a job for Dubie (UPDATE: Racine to AHS)

UPDATE: Doug Racine will be heading the Agency of Human Services, which is an ideal fit for him. Many speculated that he wouldn’t get this position since he and Shumlin do not necessarily see eye-to-eye on health care policy, though both see universal coverage as a goal, with the government’s involvement. Some others wondered whether Racine would get any position, considering that it’s not secret that the two haven’t always had the greatest working relationship.

But this is good news, and a great place for Racine to contribute to the state. It also goes a long way to healing any lingering primary-driven tension within the Democratic base.

This is certainly turning into an interesting – and generally quite talented – administration. Good news.

Former Dean Transportation Secretary Brian Searles (who has since run the Burlington airport) has been tapped to return to the post in the Shumlin administration. Waterbury Representative Sue Minter will leave the legislature to be Searles’ Deputy.

Searles is both the obvious choice and a great choice for the position. Minter is also a good choice, but her move represents a real loss for the Legislature. Minter is smart, talented, and was one of those Dems that looked more than capable of climbing the ladder for higher office. As a political player, she’ll be missed.

On the other hand, Brain Dubie is to be some sort of “ambassador” to Quebec for us. From vpr:

Shumlin says the exact nature of Dubie’s role hasn’t been worked out. But he’s confident that the lieutenant governor will be a key asset in helping the Shumlin administration forge a strong relationship with Quebec.

An interesting Vermont export to be sure. I presume this will come with a big taxpayer-funded paycheck? Maybe not. Remsen suggests this is just a one-shot deal.

But if true, it starts to look as though Shumlin is handing out enough goodies to Republicans to make one wonder whether he is trying to sow goodwill to blunt his 2012 challenge. After all, early signs are that Phil Scott, unlike his predecessor, is gearing up to be a more engaged Lieutenant Governor. One has to assume that he is to be Shumlin’s challenger in two years, whether or not it actually works out that way.

More on that soon.

8 thoughts on “Transition stuff: Transportation picks and a job for Dubie (UPDATE: Racine to AHS)

  1. since all he could talk about on the campaign trail was how bad Vermont is for business etc.  What kind of an “ambassador” does that?

  2. When Doug Racine came to the Washington County Democratic Committee meeting to talk about his candidacy, he was very strong that he wanted to be governor to make sure that state government served the needs of the poorest Vermonters, and that kids growing up in poverty are given everything they need to lead successful lives.

    Doug also has the respect of human services advocates. We know him through our work in the Legislature and his strong support for human services programs.

    The big question in my mind is how people will react when the inevitable occurs and he has to preside over cuts or the continuing dysfunctional agency.

  3. With his practical experience, three-dimensional grasp of the issues, and talent for constructive collaboration, our Human Services needs couldn’t be in better hands! This is good news!

  4. I’d been wondering who would be (or who would want to be) taking over driving the AHS mondernization transition train, and Doug is it. Tough gig indeed. Baptism by fire mean anything to you?? Good luck. We’re behind you.

    Oh, please remember the State Hospital. The patients, their families and the employees thank you.      

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