8 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Day Open Thread

  1. Since our usual extended-family-shirt-tail-late-in-life-adoptive-relatives-family-of-choice event was on hiatus this year, my spouse and I booked a room in an inn on Peaks Island, which is 15 minutes or so by ferry from Portland, Maine. We didn’t take the car, although the island is big enough and has plenty of roads (saw a lot of “Island Use Only” stickers on cars that otherwise had no license plates). So we walked a lot – given it was off-season and a holiday, not much else to do.

    T-day morning we walked by the shore on the lee side (it was [ahem] a  tad breezy and winter-coat cold on the windward shore), saw and heard loons among the scoters in the channel between us and the next island over. A little later, two tiny black specs in the sky headed over the channel and toward the ground; one of the eagle pair flew just 25 feet over our heads.

    Before dinner, we took another long walk, including a brief bushwack from a woods trail to the shore road – can’t get too lost on an island.

    Good food, nicely priced (traditional New England turkey dinner with all the fixins was $15 a plate, including pie).

    The ferry ride back was interrupted for a brief bow-to-bow confab with another ferry. One of our deckhands hooked a white plastic bag full of square containers onto a long pole and passed it over to the other boat. Turned out we were delivering take out Thanksgiving dinners from the inn to the other ferry’s crew.


    Got no check books, got no banks.  Still I’d like to express my thanks – I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night.  ~ Irving Berlin

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