Taking out the trash: on Thanksgiving Eve, state sends out new outsourcing of services bid request

There’s a certain aspect in which the “Medicaid Enterprise Solution” (MES) being sent out for bids (see full bid here) is a good thing: it seeks to integrate multiple systems that do not work in correspondence into a single one.  

And that’s pretty much where it ends, which is probably why, on a week in which we’ve heard of people waiting for ridiculously long hours, people having their benefits delayed during the worst of seasons, this has been sent on a Wednesday evening before a four day weekend.  

So what’s their solution?  More outsourcing:

The State intends to establish a public and private collaborative partnership with the Vendor to jointly develop the desired MES…  Emphasis should be placed on the most cost-effective and efficient suite of systems and services that allow the State to fully meet the needs of its citizenry now and into the future…

This piece is intended as preview, as I just got this bid last night and am posting this primarily to get it up and out there so it doesn’t get lost in the long weekend.  I am working on a longer, more detailed, piece which helps to translate some of the coded language in this proposal, as well as illustrates some pitfalls in this sort of proposal that the Shumlin administration will seriously need to think about before implementing it.

10 thoughts on “Taking out the trash: on Thanksgiving Eve, state sends out new outsourcing of services bid request

  1. It could be meant to “bollix up” any impending changes to VT health care that the leg and next governor might enact.

    There’s nothing like having to cope with a massive, partially implemented software boondoggle, designed for something completely different, to slow a major new undertaking.  

  2. … I believe it may be a federal requirement that Medicaid claims processing be handled by an independent third-party (which is how Ross Perot made much of his fortune).

    From the first paragraph of the RFP (emphasis added):

    This is an open and competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) with the purpose of procuring a full service Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) and currently outsourced services, to be referred to as the Medicaid Enterprise Solution (MES) hereafter.

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