O’Brien doubles down on the Entergy defense

Over in the comments thread in a Vermont Tiger piece, David O’Brien goes to bat for Entergy, yet again.  In the midst of a blatantly anti-Shumlin screed, he throws out the following:

Does anyone find it ironic that Entergy management is continously described by Senator Shumlin as dishonest and not to be trusted? I must say Entergy has been tough to work with, nobody knows that more than I. However, when we went after them aggressively about the flawed disclosure of unerground pipes, Entergy conducted an internal investigation and disciplined five high ranking employees, at least two losing their jobs permenantly.

Funny how that discipline took place after Entergy was pushed on the issue and it was revealed that there had been misleading statements.   And funny how, at least one of these people who lost their jobs, “permenantly” wasn’t as much fired as he was reassigned.  Jay Thayer, in fact, is now “on Loan” to the Nuclear Energy Institute.

You’d think that O’Brien would know this, considering that he and Thayer are friendly enough to have Thayer over to his house for a holiday dinner.

11 thoughts on “O’Brien doubles down on the Entergy defense

  1. On the one hand, you have those who would argue that the decision regarding VY should be entirely left to the Public Service Commission, and on the other you have the Commissioner displaying marked partisanship not only toward the entity in question but also against a member of the legislature that voted to close VY, and also happens to be running for Governor in opposition to the nominee of the current administration’s party.

    Whatever happened to the parameters of conflict of interest?

  2. make noooo mistake he’s compelled.

    Here is the small print he added to his Vttiger comment.  

    Make no mistake I am not here in any way to support Entergy but to point out the rampant hypocracy, and how this whole inside game will ultimately harm the long term interests of the state.

    Sure sounds like a run of the mill concern troll all dressed up.

    My favorite O’Brien bit was his response,his public response on to being called out on the VY Entergy VP Thayer Christmas party invite.

    In hindsight I regret being forthcoming about my personal holiday party, I should have answered that it was no one’s business who visits my home. Ever since this matter was first raised I feel as though my personal space has been invaded.

    Just for extra chuckles this made during Sunshine Week the celebration of transparency and the press

  3. that Douglas administration, staff & appointees have quite obviously functioned primarily as propaganda machine for Douglas & off-the-books staff for Entergy.

    O’Brien & the rest have faithfully run interference for Entergy & caught in collusion as well as speaking against those tasked with legislative oversight (Fairewinds July-August JFO report).

    Complete exposure of Douglas tenure would likely reveal a considerable amount of reprehensible actions to the detriment of VT, as he has fooled most of VT & even yours truly for all these years behind the bespectacled persona of a hard-working principled governor.

    We have been had.

    Today’s Herald editorial signed by publisher said as much, throwing support behind Dubie & calling Douglas a ‘principled moderate’ when he, or Dubie are anything but. Criticism of Shumlin an outrage considering tactics & tenor of Dubie’s campaign. Line of reasoning baffling & in fact failed to be validate itself by any stretch of the imagination.

    I nearly hurled after reading this complete mischaracterization of Dubie, Douglas & VT politics in editorial of today’s issue.

    Complete nosedive, & unless I missed something, have long believed Herald somewhat unwilling to bring to daylight media-manipulation of the Douglas administration, or the details concerning his staff & the cost which is particularly interesting considering the budget debacle & slashes to it he has proposed.

    Machine enabled him to stay in office for so long.

    O’Brien merely doing what he was hired to do & it is not to represent the interests of VT & VTers.

    Hopefully, VTers will have the last laugh ridding our state of the stain of incorrigibly corrupt occupiers, Entergy, as well as this completely complicit administration.

    Dubie’s brassknuckled Rovian-style campaign (God I’m sick of uttering that name, however, sorry! none is more befitting) will be on record as the sleaziest in VT political history.

    Appears as desperate attempt & concerted effort by administration & appointees to quietly conceal the corruption of the Douglas administration as they & Dubie knows where the bodies are buried.  

    Behavior inexcusable. O’Briens continual attempt to run interference for & cheerlead Entergy, use of obvious chicanery such as maintaining ‘if we knew what he knew’ reeks of a bureaucrat w/something to to hide. It is an affront to intelligence & consciousness of most VTers & mere stunt.

    O’Brien’s noted doubletalk, though easy to miss for those not following or paying attention, is apparent.

    He as well as DOH Irwin’s behvior has been notably deceptive, unprofessionally complicit & they are not alone.  

  4. … it appears he’s banking on an appointment in a possible Dubie administation (ewww, that phrase just made me throw up a little) at the expense of any more pretense of neutrality. Not only will it come back to bite him when Shumlin (hopefully) wins, it also helps shed some light on the whole VY debacle: little or no progress was made on the issue for so long (except when progressives pushed hard enough and exposed the ridiculous and embarrassing inertia in the Douglas administration), because the public’s advocate was, in fact, little more than a made man for the entity he was supposed to be policing.  

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