Candidates say the Darndest* Things!

Do you remember Art Linkletter? I sure do. During the summers when I was a kid I would watch Art Linkletter's House Party with my grandmother pretty much every afternoon. One of the features was Art's “Kids Say the Darndest Things”, a segment where he would interview little kids–thousands of them over the years–to share the amusement that their naive, comical insights would provide.

Today we have Vermont's own version, the Secretary of State's Statewide Candidate Information Publication. Not every statewide candidate posted anything, but there are some pretty wacky comments. I won't post everything, but here are a couple.

Cris Ericson: (U.S. Senate and Governor)

Cris Ericson is still looking for investors for her movie script, “Champ the Lake Champlain Monster”, a movie about pirates who come to Vermont and our favorite Vermont lake creature, Champ.

  Karen Kerin (Attorney General):


I will work to have our statutes printed in the books without the annotations or court decisions that are not law. It is inappropriate to include what lawyers call case law, which they and judges cite promiscuously as a substitute for scholarship. Such material may have some minor advisory value, but it does not rise to the level of statutory law. The book(s), which every lawyer owns, gives an unfair advantage to lawyers and deprives persons representing themselves of fairness.

 I'm not sure which is more out there, the Champ movie or the idea that our legal system is going to ditch the idea of precedent that has served us for centuries.