
As I always say, “with great bandwidth comes great responsibility,” and as such, I’m delighted to be partnering with the Vermont League of Conservation Voters to help pump up excitement and turn out voters through the project (Yup… I’m consulting for ’em… full blogger disclosure). Over the next couple days, you should start seeing us all over the web. I’ll be collecting stories and testimonials from early voters and clerks… I should be tweeting and blogging and… vlogging again – and that means the return of my zannel channel, resurrected from days of covering the Democratic National Convention, lo those many (two) years past! Here’s the first installment.

How can you get involved? First off, check out our Facebook page. Did you send in your early vote ballot today? Did you talk to someone about the election? Encourage them to vote? Let us know about it on FB, or drop me an email at Have your own video? Drop me a line at that email and we’ll get it posted on the zannel channel.

And head over to and take the voter pledge! Over the next few days, the site is going to change dramatically and become more interactive (not to mention the daily new vlog posts from me and Zane), so check back often – particularly next week when some great new opportunities for you to help get out the vote should become available.

So – keep in touch and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! (not three times, but. you know what I mean).

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