(This is nuts. Dubie is just making up whatever he thinks works for him at any given moment. – promoted by odum)
I started looking at my video from the debate at the REV conference and it took me less than a minute to run into another whopper by Pinnochio.
Just the same, please put up a brief text transcript or description of Pinnochio’s lasted fact free claim for those of us working at the end of a slow Douglas/Dubie 19th Century telecomm. infrastructure connection.
I noted a while back that he wants us to be more like NH, but they have the #1 property tax burden in the country as % of income and #4 per capita, both worse than VT.
The key rhetorical trick is that he wants to kill education, so he has to make our “education taxes” worse than they really are. Cut taxes, cut education, win-win!
Same old lie, just new packaging; because the media’s let him get away with it so many times now that it seems “truthy.” Why back away from it now?! This guy is utterly shameless or so dim he’s beginning to believe it himself. Says to himself: “I’ve heard that somewhere before; must be true.”
Auditor candidate Doug Hoffer has been screaming for years about the Douglas Administration promoting this myth far and wide, mostly because the press seems reluctant to call Douglas/Dubie on it. Hoffer has the stats if anybody cares. Really, he does.