Tritium finds its way to Drinking Water

From today's Burlington Free Press:  

Radioactive tritium has been detected for the first time in a former drinking-water well at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant  in Vernon, a potential indication that tritium that leaked from the plant has migrated to a deep underground aquifer, state, federal and plant officials said late Friday afternoon.


This new development might be the last straw for Brian Dubie: it’s finally prompted him to pretend to be concerned about the health and safety of the plant. and he says he can’t support the continued operation of the plant beyond 2012 until safety questions can be resolved.

This raises two questions:

First, when we learned that Vermont Yankee was pumping tritium into the ground water, and the rest of us, including Peter Shumlin, were calling for the plant to close on schedule, where did Brian think the contaminated water was going? Uphill?

Second, will the IBEW finally realize that pinning their hopes on a closet reactionary like Dubie was a bad move? And will they engage in a farcical display with a toy knife sticking out of their back at Dubie’s campaign events?

14 thoughts on “Tritium finds its way to Drinking Water

  1. Well, hopefully this will be the nail that seals the coffin of both VY and the Dubie delusion factory.

  2. Bad, bad, really bad spinning …

    Friday’s written statement e-mailed to the Free Press from Dubie was titled “Lt. Gov. Dubie demands answers from VY.” When asked what questions Dubie wants answered, Duffy(spokesperson Kate Duffy) said by e-mail, He didn’t have a list of specific questions for VY, but said the burden of proof is on Vermont Yankee to prove to the NRC and the Health Dept. that the plant is safe.”

    Read more: http://www.burlingtonfreepress

  3. Eerily reminiscent of customary tactics as noted in this GMD story by Maggie Gundersen:  

    “Vermont Department of Health NEWS DUMP hides more VY bad news on a holiday weekend”


    They sent it away for further analyis. How thorough. Bring back the Pony Express. It was so much faster than our modern communcation.

    Too bad they did not employ such attention to detail since purchasing the plant or in monitoring & maintanence procedures, since we now know it had been leaking for years. And, not only ‘tritium’, but also the other more hazardous radioactive nuclear waste which are also in the plume.


  4. This was in fact the well which supplied drinking water for the plant.

    They stopped using it in March, however still claiming there was no ‘danger’, just a precaution. Ha!

    If the levels were of no danger to the public as they continually have claimed they would have used it while continuing to monitor it.

    It is not & never was ‘safe’. More lies & chicanery.

  5. Vermont Yankee: Tritium turns up again Found in former drinking water well

    By Susan Smallheer Rutland Herald

    Published: Saturday, October 09, 2010

    VERNON, Vt. – Radioactive tritium has showed up in a new area at Vermont Yankee: 200 feet deep in bedrock in a former drinking water well at the nuclear reactor.

  6. The NRC our regulatory watch dog once again springs into action to protect and reassure the American public.

    They will have to come up with a plan on what they do next,” Sheehan said. “We want them to take more samples.”

    Who could have predicted they might need a plan?

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