Has anyone else thought that the tone of the Governor’s race seemed to be getting a little too aggressive?
I thought that the Vermont News Guy expressed it well when he said it’s “post-modern politics come to Vermont.” (http://www.vermontnewsguy.com/not-so-fine-whines)
But it’s not just the candidates. I almost feel like it is the candidates’ media reps that are ramping this up. Is it not good enough just to be the plain-spoken yet civil Vermonter not just willing but wanting to run a positive, issue-oriented campaign?
Even if it is, it looks like the Freeps and even folks here are turning it into a pitched battle just by billing it as one. When the media asks for sound-bites and back-and-forths, they will get that. The Fourth Estate needs to demand substance with backing, not just quick sales pitches.
Now, I suppose it is too much to ask for Lincoln-Douglas debates, but can we at least forgo the Shirley Sherrod-style YouTube videos and the exploitation of voting records and misstatements and just look at the substance? … Once we get some of that substance, that is.