Shumlin: For Whom Is Brian Dubie Cutting Taxes?

(Michael McCarthy is a candidate for Senate in Franklin County, challenging Randy Brock. – promoted by Sue Prent)

I was lucky enough to be able to promote my campaign for State Senate on the Charlie, Ernie and Lisa show this morning, just before Brian Dubie and Peter Shumlin started going at it for the first time in a live debate.

Listening now I am so excited to hear Peter call B-Dubs out on his tax proposals. Brian Dubie keeps trying to link the override of the governor’s veto with a tax hike last year. Peter countered that the only people who had a tax increase in the plan that passed were Vermonter’s making over $350K per year.

Peter pointed out that Brian’s only specific tax proposal was a “George W. Bush tax policy” of cutting taxes for the wealthiest Vermonter’s. Brian kept reiterating that the override of the veto on the most recent budget was an example of Peter supporting a tax increase. Whose math is he using?

We need policies that really benefit small businesses (really small businesses, not just businesses with big payrolls and corporate connections). We need leadership that understands state budget and taxes. We need a commitment to environmental protection and healthcare reform. I think Peter Shumlin is that leader, especially after listening this morning.


5 thoughts on “Shumlin: For Whom Is Brian Dubie Cutting Taxes?

  1. Is the only word I can think of to best describe Doobage’s debating abilities. He actually said he wants to target our state’s most vulnerable in order to balance the budget. I hope it’s not what he meant, but what if he gets elected and continues to ramble like this off the top of his head? I would like a governor who can think on his feet and make clear statements. Doobage doesn’t qualify based on this debate.  

  2. He actually said he wants to target our state’s most vulnerable in order to balance the budget.

    As I noted the other day, it’s quite a contrast to Dick Snelling:

    “We cannot and will not set lower standards for the education of our children, for the health of the population, for assistance to the troubled, jobless, or homeless, or for protection of the environment.”

    But I guess aristocrats need all that wealth so they can build walls to keep the torch-bearing serfs at bay…

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