“Nice to Know the Counting was So Accurate”


“Racine Campaign Manager Amy Shollenberger said Thursday she was flabergasted that the error rate was far less than 2 percent “not surprised” by the results reported so far.  Our most fervent supporters We wanted to put the Dems on hold for several weeks while we went through a mourning period go through the process. We felt that it was important to go through the process because Doug makes decisions in the crunch too quickly it appeared pretty close to anyone who didn’t understand how votes are counted was so close. We knew the town clerks hadn’t screwed anything up but once Doug announced for the recount we couldn’t lose face by recinding it It’s a horrible wake-up call to realize nice to know that the counting was so accurate,” she said.”

Racine does not intend to end the recount because the two counties still to report represent more than a third of the vote and one big mistake could turn the whole thing around should be able to complete the recount by Friday evening, she said.

“Doug has said that he wants to wait until Windsor and Chittenden prove they are just as good at counting votes as the rest of the state all the counties are done. It looks like they should finish by tomorrow,” Shollenberger said. “It just seems like it’s not that much longer although some would say that since it has been 3 weeks since the primary and we said it would only take a week, oh, forget it.”  

4 thoughts on ““Nice to Know the Counting was So Accurate”

  1. I know your intent is satire, but the effect is that it looks as though you are marking up and editing something from the Bennington Banner.  When you blend quotes and your own commentary without clearly distinguishing between them, you’re blurring the line between fact and fiction in ways that are not necessarily useful.

  2. and didn’t feel the need to explain the long-standing blogging practice of using HTML strikethrough tags along with actual material to “read between the lines”

    It’s the exact opposite of being deceptive, when you do this you have to be so outlandish that it’s obvious to your readers they are being entertained. It also relies on the expectation that you have an audience of people who will be in on it.

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