VT Democratic Party Calls for Everyone to Sign Up at Shumlin Site

I just traveled around the web checking the Dem party site, Shumlin and Racine’s websites. One interesting development, but otherwise nothing much happening.

Shumlin’s calendar is empty and nothing has changed on the site in the last couple of days. Racine’s is also unchanged but does have a link to the recount volunteer effort.

Chagas, whoever that is that is blogging on the VT Dem site, asks us all to sign up with the Shumlin campaign today at the very end of a very flowery and verbose note. I actually had to slow down and read the whole thing carefully after catching that just before I was about to click off. So the Party is now asking all Democrats to sign up on the Shumlin campaign site. That’s a positive. In fact, it’s big news, isn’t it?

Read it for yourself: http://www.vtdemocrats.org/con…

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