Having trouble deciding who to vote for in the Democratic Primary? Hey, do what I do – look at it through a comic book lens.
We did it before, let’s do it again… below the fold for which super-heroes the Democratic candidates for governor would be.
Deb Markowitz: Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
She’s decked out in emblematic colors. She’s one of the “big three” iconic powerhouses in the DC universe. On the other hand, people aren’t exactly sure who she is and what she can do the way they know the other two of the big three (Batman and Superman). She’s strong, OK… and she has a magic rope, yeah? Does she fly? Wait – no she doesn’t. What’s her secret identity again? Lynda something?
People are vague on her, but there’s no question she’s a powerhouse.
Matt Dunne: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
He’s an innovator. A “futurist” (whatever that means). He’s built his own suit of powered armor, fashioned with increasingly sophisticated upgrades over the years, making him a real power player. And rather than have one specific power built into that suit, he has a broad variety of skills and tools at his disposal.
It’s hard to predict how he’ll do in a given situation, because he seems to have a lot of tricks up his sleeve, and he’s always improving himself in unexpected ways, but may have trouble always seeing outside his own world to identify the real threats.
Peter Shumlin: Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)
Billy Batson may have just seemed like a guy who probably didn’t have a lot to bring to the super-hero table, but with one magic word (Shazam!), lightning strikes, and he’s all of a sudden transformed into – not simply a major player – but the “world’s mightiest mortal!”… but will the lightning be there when he needs it most?
Doug Racine: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
In his civilian identity, Spider-Man is just a regular, well-liked, kinda nerdy guy. A lot of things go wrong for him too. He swings into situations with a great attitude and a smile, but often finds himself unexpectedly facing opponents who seem to have a lot more power than he does (like the Juggernaut). Still, he perseveres and gets by on his determination – often with a little help from his friends (see Marvel Team-Up issues)
Susan Bartlett: Black Canary (Dinah Lance)
She’s not the household name that the others in the Legion are, nor does she come with the same level of super power, but she’s been a core member of the Justice League of America forever, has a broad range of skills and fighting talents, and can make a lot of noise when she wants to with her sonic scream.
Mr. Mxyzptlk. Always hanging around, troublesome, irksome, hard to get rid of.
I’d consider someone like Lex Luthor or KingPin, but Dubie hasn’t shown (yet) that he’s got that kind of mojo.