Markowitz takes GMD user poll in come-from-behind victory

For most of the weekend, Matt Dunne led the unscientific polling. Late surges followed from Shumlin and Racine supporters squeezing Racine into the lead. But in the last hour of the voting, Markowitz supporters mobilized and vaulted the distant fourth place candidate well out in front.

Here are the results:

Thanks for voting. What do you think? Does this “little poll” mean anything? Online polls are notoriously sketchy on the one hand, but on the other hand, this is little Vermont, and if the primary turns out 50,000 voters, these 724 respondents represent nearly 1.5% of voters!

21 thoughts on “Markowitz takes GMD user poll in come-from-behind victory

  1. especially given the direction that conversation on the site has taken almost since the beginning of the race; but be that as it may, it’s great to see the Markowitz folks visiting our page.  Welcome, welcome and we applaud your enthusiasm.  In little more than twenty-four hours, we’ll all be in the same big boat.

  2. As you indicated by your statement above the poll results, this poll is a snapshot.  Snapshots taken at various times will have different results.  So it shows Deb leading at the moment.  But she wasn’t over the weekend or even earlier today.  The only “snapshot” that will matter at all is the one after the polls close tomorrow.

    I think people are better off focusing their energy on the Primary voters than on this poll [even it it is “fun” for political junkies].

  3. Interesting discussions on this diary and others.

    This poll could certainly have been manipulated by various camps and is therefore self-selected and unreliable (but still interesting).

    When it comes to actually voting, people will be faced with the need to vote for the candidate that is most likely to win in November.

    This may or may not be the candidate they like best or most want to be governor.  

    What does it teach us when the Vermont electorate voted consistently for a liberal congressional delegation, a liberal Vermont House and Senate, a liberal Democrat for president and a conservative Republican governor and lieutenant governor?

    I believe the fight is for a rather large slice of the center.  Which candidate is most likely to succeed there?  I believe the answer to that question should guide people’s votes. It will mine.

  4. GMDers,

    I want to thank you for this opportunity. Polls are just snapshots, but our grassroots organization is really buzzing. Our supporters are engaged and ready to bring home a victory. I also want to thank all of my primary opponents for their hard work and for their participation in democracy.  

  5. Some of us were just too clueless or undecided enough not to be able to get our acts together to vote in time for this poll…. I meant to, I really did!  

    However, you can be sure I will find the time tomorrow to do it for real.

  6. Reading this has made me like a nut case, sitting here all by myself, giggling at a computer screen – but FINALLY – individual choices are showing with GUSTO!  Imagine what it must feel like to be one of the candidates reading the results of this semi-absentee ballot box?  But, the “snap-shot” can’t be off the mark by so much that anyone needs to stress over the results; I see a tiny little bar at the bottom that says “Susan Bartlett”

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