“I am the only person running for governor who has sponsored every single single payer bill that’s ever been introduced as long as I’ve been in the legislature.” I know there was a recent dust-up concerning Shumlin’s claims about his support for single payer legislation, but I think the way he speaks his position here, he is on solid ground. And this interview predates the controversy (July 9), so he was not correcting the record in his statement. Enjoy listening to Pete most directly call out the insurance industry as he explains the politics and policy behind S. 88.
In underlining the value of the progressive blogosphere in this governor’s race, Shumlin breaks down some of the math. In a five-way primary, he posits 50-70 thousand voters, and the winner will probably only need 15-20 thousand votes. We’ll see how those numbers hold up; I still can’t tell if this is going to be a “independents and repubs join in too” primary due to the quality of the field, or if it is going to be very much an “only engaged Democrats show up” primary due to its spot on the calendar. We’ll know soon, but Pete’s larger point is that communities like the one represented here at GMD could have an outsized impact.
Pete closes out this clip with a compelling compare and contrast of the two sessions of this past biennium.
Part 1 is HERE
Stay tuned for Part 3.
[Note: No endorsement implied. Just continuing the VTblogosphereTV tradition of showcasing the qualities of the guest.]
Thanks Mike,
As usual, your comments and interviews are right on. Thanks.