BFP Endorses Shumlin in primary

From their endorsement:

Shumlin is a realist who fully understands the state’s struggles in the midst of a multi-year revenue shortfall. He has the experience to know that Vermont has passed the point where Montpelier can continue to balance the budget simply by cutting more or by hoping for an economic turnaround to restore revenues. He has the integrity to tell Vermonters about the hard work and sacrifices ahead.

11 thoughts on “BFP Endorses Shumlin in primary

  1. The next governor must lead a cultural change in all levels of government in Vermont, where too much happens behind closed doors out of expediency or habit. The principle of open government must never by laid aside, and access — a vital step to accountability — must be restored to the norm.

    Peter Shumlin rises above his four competitors — Susan Bartlett, Matt Dunne, Deb Markowitz and Doug Racine — from one of the strongest fields of Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls in recent memory.

    Peter Shumlin has shown character, demonstrated decisive leadership, and is attuned to the grass-roots concerns of Vermonters. He has earned the privilege of representing the Democrats on the November ballot as the party’s choice for governor.

    As Julie noted, you may read the whole endorsement here:


  2. Maybe it is time for the Democrats to run a non-bland, more fiery candidate.  Shumlin fits that bill.  

  3. Full disclosure:  I work for the Secretary of State’s Office in my day job (as opposed to my night job as a Dem on the Burlington City Council) and I am an enthusiastic supporter of Deb.  

    A couple of thoughts.  My wife who is not very political, just said to me “isn’t it weird newspapers endorse candidates”.  I told her that it has just always been that way (not a great answer).

    Here is the weird thing, this is a primary.  Look at the language that Maggie quoted “He has earned the privilege of representing the Democrats on the November ballot as the party’s choice for governor.”  How is the BFP in a position to state who has earned the right to represent the Dems?  Did the Rs, Ps, Is etc. on the BFP editorial panel not participate in deciding the candidate (yes I know we have open primaries in VT, so the questions should be did each editor who decided who the Dem candidate should be, also affirm that they will be voting in the Dem primary)?

    Again this is not about who is best qualified to represent Vermonters . . . but Dems?  It would be one thing if the BFP came out and said this is our early endorsement for the gubernatorial election.  Instead they say “Vermonters are entitled to an open and vigorous debate among the gubernatorial candidates leading up to the November election.”  No doubt.  But debate is just an expression of one’s ideas and it is the communication and substance thereof, not just the debate that is most important.  

    Vigorous (read bare-knuckled, that I personally have no problem with) debate sells more papers though, which leads one to question the motives of the BFP in its endorsement.  Best candidate for the Dems or best Dem candidate to sell ads?

    That said, congrads to Peter and if the BFP is right, I hope everyone will back him 110% percent.



  4. I have mixed feeling about endorsements from an editorial board that I often feel at odds with.

    After all in 2008 the BFP (and Times-Argus/Rutland Herald) heartily endorsed Douglas in the general election.

    Shumlin would get my vote in a heart beat over Brian “Empty Chair” Dubie but I still haven’t quite decided among the gang of five in primary yet .

    Would that we had been blessed with these candidates in 2008!

  5. I think I agree with Ed’s wife.  Regardless of how it has always been, it seems a bit inappropriate for a media outlet to publish an official endorsement (for the primary or general election).  Sure – an individual columnist may support a candidate, but should a news reporting agency itself have an opinion?  – And if they do should they still be playing the role of moderating the debates?

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