What I would like to hear a candidate for governor say:

Feel free to add your own

“Our biggest liability as a state should really be touted as our greatest asset.

Instead of fighting the somewhat incorrect notion that we have the highest taxes in the  country we should embrace it.

We have great schools, we have a great environment, we have great (low) crime rates, we have top notch or better health care facilities, we treat our poor people better than most other states, our state government works with our citizens to help make their lives better.  We have great communities.   And, we damn well have the best entrepreneurial environment that you’ll find anywhere in the country and our relatively low unemployment rates reflect that.

We know this costs money, so we’re not going to be the best of the best on the Forbes list.  If you want low taxes and a lousy state, go somewhere else.  If you want the best state, Vermont’s the place.”  

8 thoughts on “What I would like to hear a candidate for governor say:

  1. “Vermont doesn’t deserve to have a top 5 educational system- it costs too much”.

    The jist of their conversation: taxes should be lower for the business/owner class; that lost revenue should be taken out of our school system, and we should have a completely mediocre/failing educational system that comes in somewhere around 25th in the nation.

    To which I’ll only speculate that these two gentlemen’s fiscal and social stability/success obviously and almost certainly stems from the mediocre/failing educational system which they passed through.

  2. Somehow the Douglas-Dubie line about wanting opportunity for our young people doesn’t grasp the fact that a high quality education system is vital to providing opportunities.


    We have asked, and we will continue to ask, our state workers to do more with less. That’s a reasonable expectation.

    Families are doing it; dairy farmers are doing it; small businesses are doing it. Everybody is doing more with less.

    Last week I tried a real world application of this, attempting to do more with less. Everybody is doing more with less!

    I filled my truck’s gas tank half full and planned to drive the usual number of miles that I do on a full tank.

    Luckily, while walking home a passerby picked me and gave me a ride when I ran out of gas.

    Next week: I will explain my experience building with the 8 ft.long 2×4’s that are 84″ long.

    Mind your heads.


  4.  I am Emily Peyton; Independent for Governor. As most of you are aware without radical transformation our planet will not survive. If you agree it’s corporate greed for money behind politics that brings us to the point of killing our Earth, then you can understand the cornerstone of my platform: The proper use of money.

    I want a Bank of Vermont to make the loans for the things we wish to see here in Vermont with the interest from them returning to the State treasury, in the same manner that the only state to have job and income growth has done since 1919, North Dakota.

    >a Common Good Bank in every community so each depositor can vote democratically to apply the interest  to fund the things the community wants to see.

    > a Vermont Unit of exchange (VU) to protect our state from Federal Insolvency.

    > a Vermont Credit Card according to Anthony Pollina’s idea.

    >I do not want the full salary, and I want less greed in politics. I want a hemp industry, a restoration of dejure government, return to common law and

    to end the lock up of nonviolent crimes.

    To help me, you can write letters, or phone the press.

    Burl. Free Press:660-1871


    Times Argus: 223-3931


    Rutland Herald: 362-1974


    VPR: 751-8250

    With complete control of our monetary needs kept in state we can begin to eliminate taxation ( a form of robbery), and we can fully fund the organic and the off the grid switch we must make.  It is important to address greed where it lives with the remedy, which is the power of economic policy  returned to the people and away from career politicians and the Federal Reserve private banking cartel

    This is just a glimpse of my service to you.

    (802) 579-5524 headquarters www,vermontforward.com  


  5. My focus is the redirection of our State wide monetary system so that it reflects the values of the people and return the power of money to the people in a direct fashion. My premise is that ( perhaps you’ll agree) the abuse of big money is the core of our planetary crisis, thus it is the appropriate and proper use of money that is it’s remedy.  

    Markowitz, for example is suggesting we take the 4 billion in our treasury to lure the big banks to lend to VT, and thus move into a more abundant state, this of course is absolute ridiculosity, to coin a term, since they will then charge us interest and money will be sucked from us.  The better plan is to form our OWN state bank and make loans for the things we wish to see in the state with the interest from those loans returning to our treasury. This has been done in North Dakota since 1919, and they are the only state that has job and income growth. We would not only recession-proof our state, but as well get on with the job of making a permenant budget surplus and the elimination of rob…..- taxation (- I didn’t say robbery, did I ) ?

      The Bank of Vermont acts as a wholesale bank, and for further empowerment of the people I want A common Good Bank in every community which is a fractional-reserve bank with the funds generated from interest in that system would be directed into projects as per the depositors through a democratic voting system. Thus the Common Good communities  revive themselves as per their collective local vision.  A governor will be able to instruct and educate the people as to their power, given a governor is not motivated by greed and I am free of that addiction as is Dennis Steele, but none of the major party candidates have that conquered..I will invite Dennis into my administration.

    AS well, my administration will implement a Vermont Unit of exchange ( VU hereafter) , this being a tool to protect us from pending  collapse of the Federal Reserve Banking system.  It is a measure of value that I will press into service to lift the people of Vermont into more abundant exchange in their communities, and a way to provoke community involvement where we have had many people simply on the take- because perhaps they rightly are disgusted with the government and it corruption.

    Lastly a Credit Card that is Anthony Pollina’s plan, we neeed that in VT.

      Now in the marvelous reality that I am elected, I will be addressing a number of important imbalances that have come into existence through the abandonment of common law and the adoption of commercial code jurisprudence. In very brief: I see the curative powers of hemp as a challenge to cancer industry.  I see the lock up of our youth as simply a means of separating the have-nots from the have-mores, and I see it as both unhealing and criminal, instead we return to a citizen grand jury basis for prosecution.

      I believe we have to transform our State.  We must have the vision of  New Vermont placed before us.   I will send you the platform card. You will see that I feel passionate and empowered by love of our natural world, and here in this email, I have given you what amounts to a bare bones summary of the starting point from which I want to remedy the addiction to greed and  alter our current state of enabling the corporate killing of the planet to one of sovereign responsibility.

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