Jason Gibbs, one-time PR flack who got promoted to head up the Dept of Forest Parks and Recreation is running for secretary of state.
Gibbs prior experience came from Boston’s Big Dig, which sort of explains a lot about why Gibbs prefers activities that use private contractors and outsourcing than government employees.
Gibbs seems to think that one of the best things he did in his last job was to promote more deforestation through timber sales in order to reduce the budget of the forest service.
Should we expect a similar approach to the Secretary of State’s office? Perhaps we could sell excess ballots to the highest bidder in order to help fund elections?
Not having a lot of options, this Jim Douglas mini-me wants to spend his next 30 years living off the public dime just like his boss and mentor. Says he loves Vermont but don’t buy it. Jason loves what’s good for Jason. Don’t trust this poseur as far as you could throw him.
pull-off along an empty stretch of Vt.Rt.25 in the Upper Valley that is now sporting a Gibbs for Sec.of State sign.