“Do you support Act 62 and how do you propose to fund it”

Act 62 is pre-K funding (http://education.vermont.gov/new/html/pgm_earlyed/prekindergarten.html).

Shumlin: supports it and wants to go further and redirect money to the system from other areas.  Good answer focusing on money and funding; for every dollar spent on early childhood care, we save $10+ down the line.  

Dunne: when you do early childhood education, you save money in the next 2-3 years on special ed.  Is getting into specifics about how it can happen, talking about freeing up resources.  Dunne is talking about foundations and is talking about how small the number of children in early childcare ages really is and how easy it would be to find the resources to fund them all well.

Racine: “when one of is Governor, the cap will come off”  “Where does the money come from?  That’s a tough question in this economy.  I’d love to promise you that next year we’ll have a perfect system.  It’s not going to work that way.  But I can tell you that it can be a priority.”  (that may not be a perfect quote).  Racine knows his stuff on this question and is less willing to make a promise than the other candidates, but is talking in ways I really respect– it takes all of us, not just a governor who supports it.  Job #1 is to improve the economy and then we can make early childhood a priority.