Tomorrow in Bratt: Gubernatorial Candidates Forum hosted by Vermont Early Educators United/AFT

Full press release from UPV after the fold.

I’ll be live blogging this event, as best I can (live blogging is not an easy process).  

A few things to note: all the Democratic candidates have shown an interest in early childhood education by attending, but one key player has declined.  Rarely seen, and even more rarely heard, candidate Brian Dubie will not be in attendance.  

Also– a piece of personal disclosure: I have, on occasion worked with UPV in both paid and non-paid capacities entirely independent of my blogging here or anywhere else.  

Update: Deb Markowitz will not be attending


Friday, June 18, 2010
CONTACT: Dawn Le, 202-549-6798 (cell) or

Prior to Candidates Forum: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders Holds Town Hall Lunch with Early Educators, Open to the General Public at 12NOON

Major Candidates Confirm Attendance

6/26: Gubernatorial Candidates Forum in Brattleboro

Vermont Early Educators Sponsor Event, Open to General Public

Brattleboro – Six candidates running to be Vermont’s next governor have confirmed their

attendance at the upcoming gubernatorial candidates forum, sponsored by the

Vermont Early Educators United – AFT on Saturday, June 26 at the Brattleboro Area Middle School.

The forum is the first public event in the area where all candidates were invited. As of this date, the following have accepted the Early Educators’ invitation: Sen. Bartlett, Sec. of State Markowitz, Sen. Racine, Sen. Shumlin, and Dennis Steele. Matt Dunne is unconfirmed because he and his wife are expecting the arrival of their third child next week [Dunne is attending –Julie], and Lt. Gov. Dubie has declined.

The event will be open to the general public.

           EVENT:             Gubernatorial Candidates Forum, hosted by the Vermont Early Educators United – AFT

Candidates will take questions about early childhood education for the first 45 minutes, after introductions. After that time, the format will open up questions from the general public.

          DATE:                        Saturday, June 26

          TIME:                        1:30PM-3:30PM

           LOCATION:            Brattleboro Area Middle School, Multi-Service Room, 109 Sunny Acres Street, Brattleboro

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2 thoughts on “Tomorrow in Bratt: Gubernatorial Candidates Forum hosted by Vermont Early Educators United/AFT

  1. just how broken the Department of Ed is? Ask any teacher trying to deal with them. Ed funding’s been public enemy number one in the Douglas years and it shows.  

  2. Time to start a new petition.  It should provide an opportunity for signees to declare that they will definitely not vote for a candidate who refuses to participate in debates/forums and such like.  Anyone out there smart enough to put such a site together?

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