Em Peyton to File Suit; Discriminatory Campaign Practices.

Having just received word about this and having a copy and permission to share by the author, Em Peyton, here it is; I will update and provide further details as they are shared with me:

“Now comes Emily Peyton, Pro SE, Independent Gubernatorial Candidate, a resident of Windham County in Vermont, in the power vested in my person by the 500 signers of the petition to place me on the ballot, and makes the following complaint against the named defendants above.

Whereas: it can be safely assumed that these signers desired to hear my views, and I have the duty and the responsibility to at least these 500 people of Vermont to participate in public forums, to openly criticize our methods of governance and offered such solutions as I have long and deliberately pondered and studied, at the expense of my personal productive time.  Further the newspapers that discriminate against me, and the radio stations that do the same and the forums and  debate hosts that (plan to) exclude me, and the television news that suppress any mention of my platform through the assumption that my movement to the Governor’s seat is bound to fail for the lack of funds, or for my choice to serve as an independent and not affiliate with either the Democrats, Republicans, or Progressives, or for my perceived incompetence due to my choice not to participate in campaigns for political office heretofore, or for my gender, or for whatever reason they may have for presupposing failure to win the election as reason to fail to cover my platform completely, is guilty of practicing unfair and illegal suppression, censorship and bias , which in turn causes damage to the people of Vermont by withholding the full complement of information that the People of Vermont absolutely need in order to make a full and informed decision prior to their vote in a few short months in November  2010.

Whereas: the media, the press, the newspapers have their freedoms of press specifically;  to openly and fully criticize government, and to question the authority that is vested in that governing body, to keep the system transparent, honest and fair. They should not be abusing that freedom to withhold information of one candidate form the public through censorship, suppression, ridicule, or lack of complete coverage.  THE COST OF COMPLETE COVERAGE OF AND FOR EACH CANDIDATE IS NOMINAL, thus each candidate that has taken it upon themselves and received the support of the required numbers of people as signers to be legitimately placed on the ballot should have equal inches of coverage in the newspaper, in her own words as well as the colored words of the journalists and editors of said newspapers.  The Radio station should give equal numbers of interviews and equal time of news stories, now should Deb Markowitz through her position as Secretary of state be free to exclude candidate form any advertisements with the stamp of her office upon in, nor should she utilize the money of the people garnered through their taxes to prepare materials to distribute for her reelection, nor should Peter welch, or any other candidate who is currently earning a living as a public servant be permitted to utilize the money of the People of Vermont  for the creation of materials to perpetuate their status as servant.

Whereas: Emily Peyton is aware that the FCC rule is supposed to establish an atmosphere of fairness in the media with regard to election coverage, however, as in many laws created by lawmakers to give the appearance of fairness while actually perpetuating an unfairness, the rule, by its exceptions affords no fairness whatsoever.  Its purpose therefore is empty; creating the appearance of fairness where none exists.  

Whereas: corporation’s ore not People, and cannot enjoy the freedoms of speech and press as a flesh and blood real Person; they do not take the responsibility of a flesh and blood person nor the risks of having their entire person subjected to incarceration and interment. Therefore since their entire body cannot be placed into custody for the wrongs (they, as flesh and blood persons, as a group or a clique) – in other words since they cannot in their entirety be jailed at a moment’s notice they do not take the risks that a flesh and blood person must and therefore should not be afforded the privileges that a soul of flesh and blood shall.

Whereas: the department of Corrections acts illegally to prevent the flow of complete information to the people of Vermont who are held against their will in incarceration. They, the People who are incarcerated have the right to the information that will allow them to vote according to their desire for leadership, and given the propensity to the press and media to predetermine elections through the coverage of a few career politicians or lack of coverage for the humble candidates, and the exclusion of the same by hosts of public forums is unfair, and illegal.

Whereas: the flow of information is crucial to a free and informed society. Our freedoms depend on it. Too often we have permitted external authority to limit these freedoms in the form of lawmakers, always that external authority if perpetuated by members of the bar and inordinately wealthy People.

Whereas: the fact that and how I, complainant Emily Peyton  am willing to serve  People and because I have the mandate to do so by and through the 500 who have chosen to sign the petition to get on the ballot for Governor  creates in an of itself the duty and responsibility to participate in every public debate and forum. Those 500 people, it can be safely assumed, desired to hear her. They want access to her views, her viewpoints, her solutions, plans and intentions. They should not be prevented from the aid of her wisdom when they approach the ballot box in November.

Whereas: I hereby request a trial by jury, and damages in the sum of the 20,000,000.00; twenty million dollars. This sum is large because the future of our state (and Nation) is hanging in the balance. Our state and its relationship to the nation is in such a critical stages is its overall relationship to the very Earth itself, that no amount of money can repair the damage that will follow should the named defendants be permitted to carry on their censorship, suppression, minimization or repression of platform information from the people who must use their sole and single votes to collectively repair the future of the state to be in accordance with their  desire through the representation they choose to carry out their goals.

 Whereas:: the complainant, Emily Peyton claims herein the duty and the responsibility to make this claim public and the duty to return the power of governance to the People as much as possible to restore the voice of the meek and restore a healthy balance of respect that has been put out of whack by the consistent, and determined and pernicious and greedy, and unfair, and outrageous, and gross usurpation of wealth AND freedoms from the meek people.

Whereas: these same ruling classes have brought our very world to the brink of extinction, our entire earth is imperiled for they have behaved with greed too often where compassion belonged.  They have prevented industry and technology from coming into fruition that would free the people from indebtedness to corporate power in its myriad of manifestations; they have dominated the media, and performed in full intention means of brainwashing the people, they have perverted the political process to include only those willing to perpetuate the inequity through ownership of the media by a very, very slim segment of people, in fact barely a handful. Their domination of the agricultural scene is killing the earth and her meek; they have created a total corruption of the experience and honor of being human.

Whereas: through the two party system and its participation the ruling class and the overly wealthy have divided the will of the People and perpetuated the transfer of wealth to an ever narrowing pinnacle of individual people. The candidate who is rightfully, correctly and legally on the ballot must be protected from this. She deserves line for line, minute for minute, moment for moment, and seat by seat every equality of coverage and equal participation that candidates who ARE party to the escalator that is  transferring wealth upwards from the meek to the greedy though taxes, laws and fees, and unfair policing have enjoyed .

Whereas: It is her duty to fight for this right to serve the people through the mandate vested in her by the 500 signers of her petition!  All damages that will be done to the people of this if they are prevented from the aid of her suggestions, her solutions, intentions, plan, platform, and tools of empowerment gleaned through her own personal experience and wisdom that she now offers to the People is incalculable – particularly at this late hour in the fate of our land and our Earth.

Whereas: It is imperative at this late hour, and at this specific juncture that the People of Vermont have complete access to, regardless of their residence, of a clear and total description of her wisdom, tools, intentions, plans and solutions that their choices of leadership have to offer.. Our very survival as People, as alive, flesh and blood persons depend on the application of alternatives to how our society functions and interacts with the world. The press and the media have a right to freely describe those positions but they do NOT have the right to suppress its delivery.

Whereas: time is of the essence. This suit is to wholly, completely, totally and indelibly, as well as thoroughly, exponentially, and inescapably notify the defendants of Emily Peyton’s complete earnestness and seriousness in carrying out her duty to (at the very least) those 500 signers of her ballot by virtue of whom and because of their support she is lawfully a member of the choices available to the People of Vermont in November for the office of Governor.  

Whereas: In my bid for governor I will pursue justice in this superior court venue, although that is an oxymoron, since the wealth and its perpetuation is vested in that same outlet for expression, nonetheless is it my duty and responsibility to at least the 500 signers and to the People I already serve in my best efforts to address the unfairness with all means available to me, therefore I am thankful that the civil courtroom exists and I am thankful to people who have come before me who have dedicated their efforts to fairness and equity. I am further thankful for the gift of expression that makes me able to express this unfairness, inequity and angst in words, and the spiritual guidance to do so;  I pray that I may speak  herein for  the frustration, anger and sorrow of the People who have abided and suffered because of these unfairness’s for too long.

Whereas: I wish that the norm would be to give all of the candidates literally equal space and time as a foundation of the freedoms afforded to the media and our speech; so that healthy criticism can reconstruct our societal methods of self-governance and these dangerous imbalances can be undone and redressed. Therefore i make this complaint in Superior Court of Vermont, without much faith that the court itself will deliver a fair hearing of the matter, yet the record will reflect my effort and sincere desire to serve the People and share the full extent of my wisdom through the newspapers, the radio programs, the public forums and debates and the television news.

Whereas: These services must be viewed as information’s highways or interstate roads, or airspace for the traveling of information. My information, plans, intents and solutions and the help that my services represent to the People of Vermont must be afforded the same access that other candidates with differing plans and platforms have – regardless of their political party, leaning or spiritual beliefs. Otherwise it is discrimination. Otherwise it would be as if those candidates are permitted to embark on a journey that I am precluded from at the outset. Otherwise I am hobbled to the gate as the other runners move out, as other candidates have access to the voting public through the highways and byways of the flow of information through the forums, debates and media means, than I, complainant Emily Peyton shall as well.

Whereas: the papers, radios, and televisions and public forums and debates must be absolutely fair and equal in their application of due space, time and coverage, The complainant envisions a fair election where each rightful candidate has exactly the same and similar opportunity to use those information highways as the other candidates regardless of her political persuasion, economic status or gender. So long as she engages in civil discussion, her platform should be widely available to those who must scrutinize it- the People of Vermont! Otherwise discrimination (because of political beliefs, spiritual beliefs economic status, what have you) has occurred.

Whereas: It is particularly troubling to myself, Emily Peyton that the People who are currently incarcerated are prevented from access to said information and the candidate is blocked from distributing the information of her platform directly and is expected to depend of the very media and press that refuses coverage to begin with in order to communicate her platform to the People held against their will in prisons of Vermont.  I am concerned that the incarcerated even more than the freer People are prevented from the aid that my service to the public means because  of the existing bias by and for well-heeled career politicians who utilize money  to their advantage-  including money taken from the people through taxation as a method to advertise their reelection.

Whereas: the regular person has no means to understand a regular person (such as myself, Emily Peyton) who desires and wishes to serve him by her proffered service as a public servant and Governor UNLESS and UNTIL AN EQUAL, FAIR, AND COMPLETE COVERAGE of her positions is PROTECTED, ENCOURAGED and IMPARTED by the press and hosts of the forums and debates.  I, complainant Emily Peyton, am terrified that our freedoms have already been completely subverted by the ruling greedy class in our country, and that their greed has set our planet on a road to self-destruction in our foreseeable future, if not sooner. And that, these same mentioned greedy perpetrators are in fact psychopathic in their thirst for money and power.  It is clear to me, Emily Peyton, that the Earth requires of us to respect the works of nature and to discontinue the process of abusing the natural resources, and that all the “isms”-‘ capitalism, socialism, Communism, need to be replaced immediately with activism on the part of Earth’s inhabitants to save the Earth and ourselves !

I, complainant Emily Peyton to fully doubt that a member of the ruling class (in the person of a Superior Court Judge) will apply the function of the courts to address this complaint describing existing unfairness and prevent more harm as a matter of negligence such as I have decried, but let it be known for the record that I, Emily Peyton, will search everywhere for the means to restore the balance of things. As time is of the essence and because I refuse to be a victim, I do not now choose  to “sit out” the elections process to see what already can easily be predicted will occur without preventative action and transformation of current practice.  Therefore I serve this complaint on every body of press and host of debate and body of government that has shown a proclivity to suppress, or have suppressed, or say they will suppress, censor and unfairly limit the access of platform information that the People of Vermont need to place their one and only vote for governor in clear light of the full complement of options open to them.

Whereas: It will be easy enough to remove defendants if they prove themselves up to the honor of the service of providing information through the means and methods of the information highway they have at their disposal.  AS soon as each completes said omissions then they will be removed from my complaint.  I, Emily Peyton, hereby refuse to be a victim of the exclusions that prevent the People of Vermont from healing the wrongs that have occurred, and from taking the actions that we must to heal the Earth and DO IT PRONTO! I

Whereas: I, Emily Peyton do believe, that the 500 people who signed my ballot petition are asking and deserving of fairness in delivery of the plans,platform, solutions and intentions I have for their Vermont, in specific I am certain that they want a servant who will stand up to greed an name it, who will stand up to the imbalance and name it and who will hold the servants of such greed accountable to the greater humane condition of compassion, fairness, generosity and equanimity. IT IS NOT HARD TO BE FAIR.

Whereas: it is not hard to be fair; it is not hard to partition a pie into 9 pieces, or a loaf into 9 slices. As there are 9 candidates (I believe) for governor, it is not hard to have 9 columns side by side in the news sources, have 9 interviews one by one on the radio, and have 9 news stories on the TV. 9 people on a stage with 10 minutes each. It is not rocket science.

It IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE, fairness is well within our reach and I , Emily Peyton am absolutely tankful for the court through which  to express my complaint and the mail through which to deliver my complaint to the defendants, and the sheriffs by whom to serve it if need be . I am thankful for those who take it upon themselves to voluntarily and fairly correct the censorship to prevent the furtherance of this complaint so that this election will be made complete to the participant, who is after all the voter, the People of Vermont, in full and complete terms.

Whereas: Democracy itself, through representation cannot happen UNLESS the candidates are respected and honored by the media and the hosts of forums and debates for their new solutions and platforms and allowed entry onto a level playing field. Entry, by the way, that should have been guaranteed by the delivery of the required signers to get on the ballot. Just as you would not expect  (even) a rookie football player to kick the ball from outside the stadium, or a baseball pitcher to throw over the plate form outside the ball park,( or a horse to run in a race while chained to the starting gate, or a high jumper to pole vault without the pole, or a swimmer to swim without the water or a hockey player to score a goal from a the locker room,  or a soccer player to kick the ball from off the field,) So you cannot expect to have any sort of fair election through democratic means without a full vetting of all candidates for the People’s benefit.





Whereas: There are multitudes of people who are not so afflicted with this addiction to money or power, and they wish to take over and heal the EARTH.  Our democracy should make room for them to do so if it is a democracy at all, if it is not, let the people be hereby notified that our democracy has fallen.

Whereas: As I, complainant Emily Peyton, am willing to serve People will all my heart, passion And wisdom why should I be blocked, prevented, censored, and suppressed from reaching the People I wish to serve and WHY SHOULD the media predetermine me as  insincere, incompetent or too poor or too ODD to serve ?  If I have the balls to run why shouldn’t I be subjected to the scrutiny of the People who have maybe the most important decision to make in the modern history of the planet?

Whereas: This is the matter I put forth for consideration and request a trial by the jury of my peers and by a trial for the public good.

Whereas: in the impossible event that money is exchanged as a result of the outcome of this case, let every cent of that money be applied to the creation of organic farms in the state of Vermont, the creation of AN EXTENSIVE GRID FOR rail service, and the creation of a HEMP industry, and the movement of every household off the grid and away from centralized energy sources owned by corporations,( unless those corporations are collective cooperatives) and to fund home schooling for those who desire to undertake it, and for the elimination of cruelty to animals through compassionate methods of farming and killing and for  the restoration of our fertile, (pesticide, chemical, and synthetic fertilizer-free)  soil. Bless our soils.

Whereas: I, complainant Emily Peyton,  have purposefully avoided pseudo-legal lingo, so that the words I use are clear to all, and every last lay person may lay in the meaning and rest assured that what is said is said.

 Whereas: I thank the court and the People of Vermont for their time and consideration of this simple matter and once again I request a juried trial and monetary compensation in the amount of 20,000,000.- for  damages as have been described in the body of this complaint – however let it be said  that this money is meaningless, to be clear.  It is my prayer that this work, this lawsuit will aid in the reparation of our society harmed by addiction to greed- to that end I am happy to give my meager resources to engage in it.  

Emily Peyton

Independent for Governor”

3 thoughts on “Em Peyton to File Suit; Discriminatory Campaign Practices.

  1. as to why I do not agree with the position of those who make a practice of signing anybody’s petition just to encourage more participation on the ballot.

  2. Right on Em! For years candidates in Vt. have excluded. It’s just too confusing to have lots of choices. At GMD that probably would be happy with a 1 party state.Oops, that’s what we do have. Boots Wardinski  

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