Republican Office Supplies Go Green (Mountain State)

One of the most common clichés these days is that “some stories just write themselves.” I assume everyone is aware that the RNC has been having a little trouble with “integrity” (heh) in its financial dealings, with some “interesting” expenses (some of which you can’t even write about without feeling the need to wash your hands). Among the cleaner “interesting” expenses are their “office supplies,” more commonly known as “booze.”

We all know the Democratic Party had the wildly successful 50-state strategy for voter turnout in 2008, but little did we know the RNC also has a 50 state strategy: booze and bimbos!  Sure, the Republican President was unwilling to set foot in our little state, but not the Republican National Committee, which bought $982 of “office supplies” from Boyden Valley Winery in Cambridge Vermont (about 1 minute in on the video):

One wonders if these were the “office supplies” for Auditor Salmon’s “office party” and DUI meltdown

3 thoughts on “Republican Office Supplies Go Green (Mountain State)

  1. That was great.  The RNC is having a lot of fun on someone else’s buck.  Typical.  

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