Off-Topic: A Thank You

( – promoted by GMD)

Green Mountain Daily members and lurkers,

I just wanted to thank this community for having been a part of my life for the past… I don’t know how long it has been now.  I’ve always felt incredibly privileged to be able to share my work here on GMD, and even more honored to have a fair deal of folks reading it.

Today I received acceptance letters from Harvard, Yale and Princeton.  Never in a million years did I expect to be able to say that.  Academically, I am certainly no genius, so my acceptance likely came down to my political involvement.  This place has played a huge role in getting me more involved in the Vermont Democratic community, and it’s incredibly humbling to have the work I’ve done recognized by these schools.

So I just wanted to quickly thank this community for the role it’s had in my life over the past few years, it’s been a pleasure to be a part of this place and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you all

Thanks again,


15 thoughts on “Off-Topic: A Thank You

  1. It’s the people like you who visit and share on this site that make it the edgy place that it is. Now go out there and kick some ivy butt for us!!

  2. Glad you’ve been here — and I hope that gracious note doesn’t mean you’re going away (although I suspect that you might have serious demands on your time beginning in late August [the Vermont Democratic Primary!!! — better vote early or absentee] and for the next four years).

    And congratulations.

    Got any ideas on how the Vermont Ds can encourage others of your age bracket to get involved and stick with us?


    A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation. ~ James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888, American theologian)


  3. That’s great news. You’ve given us a lot with the great perspective you bring to the site, and it’s nice to know that your political involvement here (and in real life) may have given you something in return.

    Good luck! I’m sure that you’ll do well no matter which school you choose.  

  4. You should probably stop visiting sites like these. As you have likely already learned, people who attend Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or those running for Governor should not partake in a website whose editors clearly see their roles as the champions of partisan squabbling second only to their acknowledged partisan agenda of dehumanizing conservative Vermonters with extremist rhetoric. Were you to choose UVM as a suitable institution for your “higher” education one might understand such indescretion, but since you appear headed to loftier institutions it’s time for you to clean it up a bit. Best wishes with your education.

  5. And the comments here sound all bon voyagey, but I’m guessing they have the internetz at Harvard, Princeton and Yale, so I’m hopeful we’ll still be seeing you around.

    And thank you for the kind words. And you’re welcome.

  6. Congratulations, Matt! Stay in touch. I vote for Harvard; Cambridge is a wonderful place to go to school.

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