The Vermont Tiger is simply aghast that Joe Biden may have misquoted the poet Virgil at the White House health care bill signing ceremony. Biden’s offending quote the “greatest wealth is health.”
The problem they sniff is … the quote is one of those that cannot be traced to the putative author. (I was never even aware Virgil authored The Putatives).
The Tiger is sadly confused and unfocused. The actual story as I see it is that Joe Biden later misquoted a more recent public figure. Biden quite obviously caught up in the gravity of the event happily uttered “This is a big F’king deal.”
Vice President Biden just awkwardly paraphrased an infamous comment made by the ever erudite and concise Dick Cheney years ago.
Let me see, what exactly were Cheney’s three words?
(Mao Zedong meets Virgil?) And, might I add, much ado about nothing.
Who cares? The sentiment is universal and true. I guess, if you can’t fault the message, find some trivial excuse to attack the messenger. It’s already worked so many times for Republicans as they desperately cling to their eroding base of rich white guys. And Biden is such an easy target.
It’s funny; in the anti-elitist world that the Tiger’s tighty-righty fan base tends to occupy, who would even care about Virgil. Isn’t that the Latin-spewing realm of those effete lefties?
… They complain that Biden dropped an F-bomb on live TV? Come on! It’s not just Cheney’s F-off to Pat Leahy.
What about the time on the 2000 election trail when Cheney whispered in Bush’s ear (with the mic still on) that so-and-so from the New York Times was an expletive?
Even worse… how in the world can a vice-president accidently shoot a friend during a hunting trip and then get the shooting victim (his friend) to apologize for the incident? That’s beyond me.
I’m sure there’s worse things that GOPers have said in the past but come on! I’ve heard dumb things on both sides of the aisle but the GOP doesn’t claim the moral high ground on SO MANY levels. To claim otherwise is just plain foolish.
Actually, Virgil’s quote really was “This is a big F’king Deal”. Virgil is quoted in the Iditerod, a little known text discovered in Alaska in Sarah Palin’s library. Virgil was referring to Health Care benefits for returning Greek soldiers. Those benefits are still in use today and called “Trojans” in honor of Virgil’s famous quote “This is a Big F’king Deal.” You betcha!