Bartlett Boogies to the Right

An interesting appeal from Sen. Bartlett found its way to my inbox yesterday, effectively closing the book on her candidacy for me.  I wanted to include a link here, but unsurprisingly, the message does not appear on Bartlett’s website.  Instead, I have chosen a few quotes to share:

Since Howard Dean we have had to choose between a liberal and a conservative. Douglas and Racine. Douglas and Parker. Douglas and Clavelle. Douglas and Symington or Pollina. This time moderates have a choice for governor that reflects our values. Fiscal responsibility and balance.

Moderates have a choice in the Democratic primary. Susan Bartlett is the standard bearer for people who believe we need to thoughtfully make changes to improve life in Vermont. She cherishes our traditional Vermont values and seeks to build on them. She is the only choice for people who want an affordable government that provides the services we need.”

If you want a governor that reflects your values you will have to help… Get your friends to vote in the democratic primary… You will have to help or you will have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

There’s more, but you get the gist. The text is laced heavily with references to “Vermont values” and a Greek chorus of donation links repeats the phrase, “It’s time for the middle to rise up!” We get the code, Susan.  Really? “Vermont values?” Isn’t that the old stem-winder for the “Take Back Vermont” crowd?

I invite Senator Bartlett to tell us why any progressive-minded voter should not take this as a doorslam of resounding finality.

About Sue Prent

Artist/Writer/Activist living in St. Albans, Vermont with my husband since 1983. I was born in Chicago; moved to Montreal in 1969; lived there and in Berlin, W. Germany until we finally settled in St. Albans.

11 thoughts on “Bartlett Boogies to the Right

  1. S. Bartlett was on some television show last night and was wearing what appeared to be a biker woman crossed with Maude outfit. She frightens me on so many levels.

  2. It’s only to the right relative to the other four, and, as she points our in her email, relative to the previous three or four gubernatorial candidates. Although I’m not sure I’d call Gaye Symington a lefty, exactly.


    Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. ~ Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  3. Another point to make is that neither Madam Bartlett nor her campaign staff posted the contents of her missive here themselves. Must be because we’re obviously not moderates, so why bother to expose oneself to the withering flames of hot-eyed liberals, eh?


    The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood. ~ MLK, Jr.

  4. Bartlett’s running for something? Forgot all about that. Just as well, I guess, as her campaign is having about as much impact as a mouse fart in a hurricane.

  5. She is a Democrat trying to differentiate herself from the crowded field.  If the goal is to get to 30%, which might be enough in this field of equals, moving to the center early might be both honest (let’s face it, she’s not a Progressive) and good strategy.

    Moderates do not equal “Take back Vermont”. They simply have more skepticism about the efficacy of government solutions to some sets of problems.  They are a critically important audience for any Progressive politician…insults are not helpful.  To flip the conventional wisdom, Progressive candidates need Moderate Democrats to win a majority.  Equating my politics with bigotry is not a good start.

  6. I certainly don’t remember her seeing this coming, or exercising restraint a few years back.

    A couple of years ago, the right wingers were beating up on Bartlett for being a big spender.  I think it was $47 million towards early childhood education.

    It’s easy to be careful with money when you’re on a pay as you go basis, and there is no money.

    What’s hard is exercising restraint when there is money kicking around.

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