Standing up for the poor

Great story in today's Times Argus/Rutland Herald about the Vermont Low Income Advocacy Council, the state's foremost anti-poverty advocacy organization.

If Edna Fairbanks-Williams were rich, she'd fight more than $100 million in proposed government human service cuts with an army of lobbyists.

But the 77-year-old Hubbardton widow is poor. That's why, as president of the Vermont Low Income Advocacy Council, she's driving her tank of a used car to the state capital to defend herself.

“I haven't ever seen things so bad, except years and years ago when I first went on welfare and you had to wait six months,” she says. “That was a long six months. Of course, I was young then and could survive.

I've worked closely with VLIAC, and Edna Fairbanks-Williams, for many years, on issues ranging from housing and evictions to electric industry restructuring, low income energy programs, unemployment compensation, and many other issues. These advocates not only live the life, they also deeply analyze and understand the issues and technicalities.


3 thoughts on “Standing up for the poor

  1. are cast off when times get tough.  You don’t see Douglas or any of his good-ol’boys in the “Tax Cuts for Growth Club” missing any meals, but they’re only too ready to cut services that aid the needy!

  2. The advocacy resources gap is astounding. Inspiring and heartbreaking stuff — great article.  

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