There's a Google Ad poll (which can currently be seen at Crooks and Liars) that reads like a set of Douglas/Dubie talking points. For instance: Vermont can succeed; can lower the cost of government, lower taxes, create jobs, and allow the tax base to grow. But succeeding means making choices. Something tells me they're looking to create the illusion of a groundswell for Dubie's "ideas", so maybe some GMD readers would be interested in sharing their perspectives.
Hop over here to take the poll.
Thanks to John Fairbanks at Scaypgrayce for the link.
a piece of crap
the very first question says it all
They misspelled “Deb Markowitz” with a “c” instead of a “t”. I realize she’s got one o’them funny ethnic names, but come on, folks. You’re gonna do a poll, do the research first!
It appears that one can respond to the survey more than once; thus, GMD readers ought to “vote early and often.”
I just visited Talking Points Memo, and there was a small ad for an online poll for Vermonters. I clicked on the link and, sure enough, it was this same surveymonkey doohickey. Except the link was to the LAST page, the one that thanks you for taking the survey. Huh. Somebody needs a new webmaster.
in the Republican primary, I decided the best response would be “don’t know.” I have a feeling that could really wind their clock: if they get enough “don’t know’s” from folks who clearly aren’t on their page.
1) If elected,do you think Lt. Gov. Dubie should work to reduce the amount of money the current Governor spends annually to employ private contractors (it’s in the hundreds of millions)?
2) Since we’re all about shared sacrifice, if elected, should Lt. Gov. Dubie forfeit the $15,000+ annual lunch money Governor Douglas has steadfastly refused to surrender more than once?
3) If elected, should Lt. Gov Dubie refuse pay increases, much like Gov. Dean did, or should he continue to take pay raises like Governor Douglas has done (and because Douglas has taken all these increases, Vermont’s governor is now the 12th highest paid in the nation and the highest paid in NE)?
4)If elected, should Lt. Gov. Dubie turn his attention to rectifying the fact that a grossly disproprtionate number of classified employees are being cut from state payroll versus exempt employees?
5) If elected, should Lt. Gov. Dubie act like the true trade unionist he claims to be (through his ALPA affiliation)and quit pissing all over Vermont’s union workers, like Governor Douglas has?
This was lots of fun, especially deciphering the push-poll questions…
I thought it was great fun.