Candidate as Educator

This clip (2nd of 3) opens up with some discussion of the positive issues-based campaign underway in the Democratic primary for VT Governor. Then we move from the campaign to the issues.  

Doug does a great job of explaining impediments to a statewide single payer healthcare system, without making it sound hopeless. But it is the next section of the interview that I found most helpful.  I must admit I have always had trouble understanding the relationship between the Public Service Board and the Public Service Department. But with Doug Racine’s explanation here of how the two differ and interact, I think I may finally get it.

Part 1 of interview is HERE

Stay tuned for part 3.

Note: This post is neither an explicit nor implied endorsement of any candidate. Just continuing the VTblogosphereTV tradition of introducing sympathetic interviews with praiseful posts.

Doug Racine’s website

