“You know… not… a lot.”

For those of you unfamiliar with the short-lived Joss Whedon series “Firefly,” there is an episode in which the main character gets snagged in the middle of a burglary.  After some complicated maneuvering and attempts to present it as something other than it is, his partner in crime turns on him, and pulls a gun on both him and the victim of the burglary, at which point he owns up and tells the guy, actually we were trying to steal your priceless artifact.  At this point the victim responds.  “Well, I appreciate your honesty.  You know… not… a lot.”  

I think that’s a fairly good summary of my reaction to a story that popped up in papers throughout Vermont today.  Specifically that the NRC is now confirming that there was a 2005 tritium leak at Vermont Yankee.

So yes, NRC, I appreciate your honesty.  Just… not… a lot.

Quick update: most of the pieces on this are simple bullet point AP stories, but the Rutland Herald actually did some journalism with this.  I strongly recommend reading the entire piece.

5 thoughts on ““You know… not… a lot.”

  1. Entergy Nuclear spokesman Larry Smith said late Monday he could not discuss the 2005 tritium leak, saying he was still waiting for a letter from Entergy attorneys before talking about the issue.


    On WDEV’s Mark Johnshon Show, the sit in (P. Mallory) gave Louisiana Entergy their spokesbot a full hour unpaid advertising spot to spout pre-approved lawyer talk.

    As sung by Louisiana Entergy and Entergy Yankee:

    But don’t worry (we’re taking one of our drinking water wells out of service), be happy …

    You might say we equivocate

    But our reporting is just late

    We’re prepping to leave to your fate

    After our profits we partake

  2. Given the coziness the NRC demonstrates with the industry it regulates maybe we need a new Federal watchdog watchdog agency.

    Oh wait ….what’s that other thing? Senate oversight ,yeah that was it. Whatever happen to that?

    An oversight committee was last seen speeding 3 of Obama’s NRC nominees through the process to help in the coming nuclear power renaissance.

  3. This is why they lied about the existence of the pipes.  As I have speculated earlier in this blog (http://www.greenmountaindaily.com/diary/5874/why-did-they-lie), I believe Entergy knew about leaks way before the “pipes don’t exist” testimony.  The lie was a calculated risk that no one would notice and connect the dots.  Well, we noticed, and I have no trust whatsoever that this plant can be run safely–by anyone.  It pains me that our leaders are so slow in both recognizing that the Entergy Company is crooked and that we still don’t seem to have a plan for where our power will come from once Yankee is shutdown.  

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