Vermonters for Markowitz for Racine?


Here’s the kind of thing I’m kind of surprised doesn’t happen more often. After the flip for some screen shots…

First, from the Markowitz for Governor site:

Second, from the Racine for Governor site:

The Racine site seems to generate the entries dynamically, so the testimonials might be in a different order if you go, but Adler is definitely on there.

UPDATE: A quick email in my inbox from Brooke Adler makes the point that she is “not trying to be in two places at once and the the inclusion of my name on the list of Markowitz supporters in the Democratic Primary is an error.”

Honestly, it didn’t even occur to me that somewhat might think Adler was intentionally on both lists. I’d be surprised if anybody reading drew such a conclusion.

Thing is… lotsa candidates. Small state. This is going to happen a lot. Not a big deal necessarily, but the campaigns do have an obligation to keep vigilant when dealing with regular folks’ names like this.

2 thoughts on “Vermonters for Markowitz for Racine?

  1. Once your name is on these types of sites it can be difficult to remove it. This isn’t because Racine’s or Markowitz’s campaigns aren’t willing to oblige, but one certainly has to make a special request … the design of these sites is for easy input and not cleanup.

  2. Personally, I don’t see a problem with supporting 2 candidates. If you like 2 of the candidates better then the other 3, and would be happy with either of those 2 winning the Primary, why not say so? It’s sort of like the endorsement version of IRV. Sort of.

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