Vermont News Guy previews a busy 2010

(Another good edition of TV interviews with Vermont bloggers. – promoted by Jack McCullough)

Episode 20 of VTblogosphereTV airs tonight and we have a legitimate actual piece of real breaking news. Vermont’s two leading online journalists are planning to collaborate. Yes Jon Margolis of Vermont News Guy and Anne Galloway of VT Digger have “had lunch” in the parlance of the industry. They may have actually had lunch as well. I take it as a very good sign that Vermont’s fledgling professional news sites are thinking collaboratively instead of competitively. The odds that they will thrive and build an online reporting infrastructure for the state just got that much better.

Part of what makes Vermont so special is we have these incredibly accomplished people tucked away in the hills quietly doing their thing. If you are unaware of just how much Mr. Margolis brings to the table, check this out. Thanks to Jon for kicking off our first show of the new year in such an auspicious fashion.  

In this clip, Jon also discusses Vermont Yankee and the Rainy Day fund.

The whole episode will show tonight at 7pm on ORCA Media channel 15 in Central VT, and play throughout the month. VCAM in Burlington also airs it, and Rutland and Hardwick may or may not be picking it up as well.  

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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