This’ll put you in solid with your new bosses

The Vermont Republican Party members must have had some collective grinding of teeth going on at their get-together this Saturday at the Elks Club in Montpelier. Only last week one major newspaper article was mostly about the buzz with the Republicans; much less attention was given to the Democratic and Progressive party meetings. One of the two Republicans running for Chairman was looking forward to hearing from Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie and said of the Governor’s co-pilot “He’s the one that could beat any Democratic candidate like a drum.” Maybe the talk at the gathering ran off the road from this hopeful scenario; pushed aside by other news.

Tom Salmon grabbed quite a chunk of attention this weekend, as some personal events in the life of the new Republican may overlap with his public standing. Some longtime Vermont Republicans may cringe as they are forced to offer comment on this event.

Despite the arrest, Salmon spoke as scheduled … kind of an awkward sentence to have associated with the new guy’s big appearance at a Republican shindig.

In the movie Maltese Falcon Sam Spade humiliates Wilmer, the villain Guttmann’s gunsel by taking his guns away. Spade sneers “Come on. This’ll put you in solid with your boss.” as he leads Wilmer in to see Guttmann.

As I read the quotes in the Times Argus from the Elks Club get together I kept thinking how that line fit what Salmon’s arrest late Friday did for him and how it … put him in solid with his new bosses.

While expressing pride at

“having picked up a state office without the benefit of an election,”

Governor Douglas must have just loved this awkward vow of support he made to the brand new Republican:

“It’s disappointing. Everyone has to follow the laws and take responsibility, and Tom made a mistake and I know he’ll accept responsibility for it,” Douglas said. “But it doesn’t detract from his outstanding record of public service.”

Departing Chairman Roper chimed in with perhaps an unfortunate choice of words given the DUI, adding this:

“He’s a stand-up guy, and I’m sure he’s willing to take full responsibility for it,” Roper said. “We’ll see where it goes from there.”…