Congress’ Move to Pull $$ Plug on ACORN Is Challenged in Court as Unconstitutional

ACORN Charges Congress Violated Constitution’s Ban on ‘Bills of Attainder’ That Single Out Individuals or Groups for Punishment Without Trial or Judicial Review When Lawmakers Passed GOP-Sponsored ‘Defund ACORN Act’ — Lawsuit is Latest in Community Group’s Aggressive Counterattack Against its Conservative Critics

(Posted 5:00 a.m. EST Monday, Novembre 16, 2009)

Congress voted in September to withhold all federal funding for the community advocacy group ACORN in the wake of a scandal in which two conservative activists posing as a pimp and underage prostitute secretly videotaped ACORN employees in its Baltimore office that one of the activists admitted was for political reasons.

ACORN promptly sued the activists and the conservative Web site that posted their videotapes for violating a Maryland state law that requires two-party consent for electronic surveillance.

Now ACORN is striking back at Congress with a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of its move to defund the organization, on the grounds that by singling out ACORN, the lawmakers violated a constitutional ban on “Bills of Attainder.”

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