Adjutant Generals dubious use of connections suggested

( – promoted by odum)

Chris Graff  who was once an AP reporter and currently serves as  corporate spokesman has a column in Vermont Business Magazine today with ten reasons Brian  Dubie could win his race to become Vermont governor .

Reason number eight is a jaw dropping suggestion that the State of Vermont’s Adjutant General should use his connections to help elect his brother governor of Vermont.

#8. The Dubie network: Each of the Democratic candidates has a map to victory, building on networks that have been years in the making. Deb Markowitz, for example, is counting on backing from the local officials she has worked with as secretary of state. Dubie has developed his own network as lieutenant governor, but he also has the potential of benefiting from the connections of his brother Mike, the state’s adjutant general.…

13 thoughts on “Adjutant Generals dubious use of connections suggested

  1. They’re throwing a shoutout to the piece in their political round-up tomorrow, with no mention of the clear problem this relationship presents.

  2. That’s the stuff of personal relationships, business and politics.

    I think this post is much ado about nothing.

  3. I mean, just how much POLITICAL influence does the AdjGen have, anyway?  Short of the Guard being called out to monitor the polls, I can’t imagine anyone giving a hairy flip.  To me, this reads much more like Graff fishing for SOMETHING interesting to say about the Dubious candidacy.  

  4. That’s from VTBuzz last week referring to questions Democrat Peter Shumlin  faced  about alleged political motivation behind a plan to help fund Vermont National Guard flights home from deployment during the holidays.This before Shumlin declared his candidacy .

    Now we have one of Vermont’s very serious former newsmen suggesting an advantage to using  political  Vermont Guard connections for the Republican candidate .

    It shouldn’t be the Vermont Republican Guard


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