Did they really say that???????????

Seems so …

Salmon said he does not have an alcohol problem.

“I have too much discipline from my military background for this to be a pervasive situation,” he said.

(‘I made a mistake’: Salmon apologizes after DUI arrest, Barre/Montpelier Times Argus, 11/15/09)

This really pricks my ears up. First because it’s obvious Mr. Salmon wasn’t able to exercise that discipline enough to count drinks and watch time … or even used his freakin’ blinker; and secondly because any non-practicing drunk (and this includes me) will tell you alcoholism couldn’t give a rat’s ass about “discipline”.

Okay … ’nuff said about that …

“We picked up a state office without the benefit of an election and we’re proud of that, too,” Douglas said.


Hey now, Big Jim, isn’t it great when you can be rewarded for doing nothing? Remind you of your gubernatorial term or what?

One thought on “Did they really say that???????????

  1. On the night of the arrest, Salmon said, he had been drinking red wine at a dinner he’d organized for three colleagues in the auditor’s office and their spouses. The dinner was to celebrate the recent promotions and pay raises earned by the employees.

    “This was a very special occasion and I made a mistake,” Salmon said. “We were with friends, celebrating, and there are bottles of wine and it was a long event. I don’t want to minimize what I did, but you don’t have a lot of room for error.”

    Recent promotions and pay raises for three colleagues in the auditor’s office which is another way of saying, Salmon promoted three employees and Salmon gave these people pay raises. They are “colleagues,” as the article says, but he is the auditor, he hires/fires/promotes and he decides whether someone receives a pay raise. He is their boss, not just a “colleague.”

    Friends, drinking and a special occasion which is another way of saying that Salmon promoted his friends, gave his friends a pay raise and then they all went out drinking to celebrate state promotions and state pay raises.

    Am the only person scratching their head and wondering about the work environment at the auditor’s office and just how professional this guy is?

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