Tom Salmon charged with DUI

Republican auditor Tom Salmon apparently got hit with a DUI last night, according to Totten:

State Auditor Tom Salmon is facing a charge of driving under the influence after a routine traffic stop in Montpelier Friday night.

According to a police summary of the incident, Trooper Brandon Doll stopped Salmon around 10:30 p.m. Salmon was driving a 2008 Honda Civic and failed to use a turn signal…

“Long dinner, special occasion. On the way home, I failed to put my on my signal during a routine right turn in Montpelier and was stopped,” Salmon said. “Asked if I was drinking I said yes, red wine. Was taken in and blew a .086. DUI 1. I didn’t protest anything.”

Between recent financial troubles and his switch to the GOP, it’s not shaping up to be a very good year for Salmon, and one can seriously wonder what his future electoral prospects are after this latest development. Not like we’re fretting too much about that over here, of course.

39 thoughts on “Tom Salmon charged with DUI

  1. Tom Salmon is a train wreck! Maybe his dad should book with that TV show Intervention. Get Tommy some money while he gets his head back on straight. Montpelier shouldn’t let this tazmanian devil near their books. Wonder if he was under the influence when he went batshit at the statehouse a few days ago? The Salmon name goes up in flame!

  2. Okay, everybody, lets sing that show stopping song from Avenue Q


    esp. the part that says

    That’s schadenfreude schadenfreude

    that makes me glad that I’m not you.

    Who says the press only publishes bad news?

  3. I am no fan of Mr. Salmon, especially considering his recent actions.

    It’s possible it will be hard for Salmon to put the recent financial and DUI stuff behind him, on the other hand I doubt that it is fatal to his political career.

    He paid off his debt.  This is DUI #1 and he wasn’t that far over the limit (not even DUI in a lot of states – or until recently in VT)- – something I’d bet most posters on this forum did at some time or other.  I’m sure I must have.  Not that that is a good thing.

    So please lets not get too carried away with the comments – –


  4. Well I think we need Salmon. Who else in Vermont is going to defend GoldinSacks from the Unions. Those Unions, Salmon understands need to take pay cuts to do their share in bringing back the economy. Jeez, the bankers can’t do all the heavy lifting. One thing you gotta admit he’s fitting right in with Republicans.

  5. From the Argus today… he was out celebrating the pay raises of some of his employees, shortly after trying to chop unemployment benefits.

    On a personal level, if Salmon’s “falling apart”, whatever. So are a lot of other people. The fact that he also seems to be a douche on a personal level makes me a bit less sympathetic.  He’s just a horrible politician.

  6. On the one hand, Salmon has recently taken positions that are objectively harmful to real people in Vermont, and it’s not just his bizarre idea that people living on unemployment, who are already making do on half or less than their salaries, should lose another quarter of their income. Even before he announced that he was turning his coat, he had richly earned the opposition of all progressive and Democratic voters.

    On the other hand, getting caught for DUI is a private failing of questionable relevance to his job performance. Many, if not most people who drink on occasion and drive on occasion will be in a position where they would have a hard time blowing below .08 if put to the test, just as most of us might be caught driving 10+ miles over the speed limit. Salmon’s probably been driving for thirty years, and has, to our knowledge, been caught DUI once. Not perfect, even if we assume, as is likely, that it isn’t the first time he’s done it, but he’s hardly a one-man crime wave.

    I was tempted to post something on this, but overall I think we do better concentrating on his professional and political failings.

  7. I do, however, think that it’s deeply concerning that he said this:

    Salmon said he does not have an alcohol problem.

    “I have too much discipline from my military background for this to be a pervasive situation,” he said.

  8. “Wonder if he was under the influence when he went batshit at the statehouse a few days ago?”

    Bozo, good question.  I saw him go batshit, at first not realizing who he was at first, and it seemed he was out to make a name for himself for his new gop benefactorss.  This seemed calculated.  What I like about salmon’s getting busted for dui is that he is such a hypocrite and this just shoves it out into the open for all to see.  

  9. Considering all that’s been going on with Tom Salmon, I think that you folks might be right.

    He does seem to be losing it.

    However, I don’t note the same kind of comments about him needing help that was afforded the other recent “needing help” guy.

    Wonder why that could be?

    Anyway – – we’ll see how this plays out.  Either he’ll be shown to be just way weirder than we thought of him a little while ago or – – he needs some help.


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