Shumlin to formally kick off campaign Monday

By way of Shumlin for Governor campaign contact Kate O’Connor (formerly of the Dean administration, the Dean for President campaign, and the Tarrant for Senate campaign) comes this announcement:

Senator Peter Shumlin will hold a press conference on Monday, November 16 to discuss his campaign for Governor.

When:      Monday, November 16 – 11:00am

Where:     Earth Turbines

               94 Harvest Lane, Williston is not active yet, but redirects to a WordPress login page. It’s unclear at this point whether O’Connor, who inspires strong feelings among the national netroots (to say the least), is working for the Shumlin campaign in a paid capacity or not.

2 thoughts on “Shumlin to formally kick off campaign Monday

  1. The “I left everything in the trunk of my car, costing the Dean Campaign significant votes at a critical time” Kate O’Connor?

    The “Oh yeah, did I mention I’m gonna go get paid to be a republican ‘cuz I hate Bernie Sanders, so I want to help run the most inept political campaign in VT history” Kate O’Connor?

    Oy. Not an auspicious beginning for Shumlin….

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