Hey weasel Welch …

Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a case challenging Congress’s unconstitutional defunding of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

. . .

For example, in an affidavit filed in today’s lawsuit, an ACORN affiliate wholly separate from the national organization charges it has been unfairly affected. The organization, ACORN Institute (AI), had grants pending to provide computer training, asthma education, tax preparation, and GED classes, among other programs. The affidavit avers that no grant the organization has received and administrated “has ever even allegedly involved any misconduct, misappropriation, fraud or other illegal conduct. AI has never been indicted nor convicted of any crime, nor … has any AI employee ever been indicted or convicted of a crime in conjunction with any work they have done for AI. AI has never been denied any grant from any federal agency due to fraud or other alleged misconduct.”

(CCR Charges Congress Violated Constitution in Vote to De-Fund ACORN, Affiliates, Allies, Center for Constitutional Rights press release, 11/12/09) with thanks to RawStory for the pointer)

Soooooo Peter the Guy Who Trips Over His Own Feet to Get dumbya bush’s Autograph, how you feelin’ today? How’s that unconstitutional vote of yours that tried to cut off funding for ACORN working out for you? Got any more innocent people you’d like to beat up just because Faux news and your allies in the radical right wing Republican party get their undies up in a bunch over positive advances in democracy? Ever hear of actual .. you know .. INVESTIGATION .. before you take an action like attacking a middle and lower income advocacy group because of heresay and manufactured evidence?

Oh … and you’re soooooooooooooooooooooo different from the Republicans.