Food for thought (revisited) …

Last March I put keyboard to blog and “authored” this bit titled Food for thought ….

Well, here’s a bit more for you to chew on:

Exposure to high levels of a controversial chemical found in thousands of everyday plastic products appears to cause erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems in men, according to a new study published Wednesday.

The study, funded by the federal government and published in the journal Human Reproduction, is the first to examine the impact of bisphenol A, or BPA, on the reproductive systems of human males. Previous studies have involved mice or rats.

(High BPA levels linked to male sexual problems, Washington Post, 11/11/09)

But don’t worry about those gender bending and other life giving hormone disrupting chemicals that we’re mistaking for food substances. After all the new health insurance deformation is going to make sure the already super well heeled pharmaceutical industry is going to make even more cash … in part by selling us the means to combat the problems caused by our “food” industries poisoning us.

Got diabetes? No problem … there’s a pill we can sell you for that (no guarantees mind you, however).

Got a case of BPA toxicity? No problem … there’s an erection creating pill we can sell you for that (no guarantees mind you, however).

Got money? Ha … that’s a problem that can be easily solved.

Want universal, publicly funded health insurance? Not a chance … we might be frugal and decide it’s more efficacious to stop the poisoning instead of favoring the fat pocket books of the already rich.