Commentary: Do Not Cut to the Bone

(cross-posted from Beyond VSH blog, here)

Do Not Cut to the Bone

The state should be cutting where the fat truly exists, not to the bone as had been its inclination: i.e., there is no need or justification for many departments or agencies across state government — most particularly within the Vermont Agency of Human Services (VT AHS) — to retain and have so many top and middle management positions that have grown since the current administration came into office: e.g., deputy commissioners.  

As specifically concerns the Vermont Department of Mental Health (VT DMH), one of the positions that should be cut is the Deputy Commissioner position as this would result in cost savings and sparing much more needed positions further down the food chain.

While the DMH commissioner and others within the department may depend on the deputy commissioner quite a bit, it would seem that when one measures priorities about what is truly most important and what gets the taxpayers the most for their dollars as well as provides the most to those the DMH is supposed to serve, this and other such high level positions should be cut instead.

Morgan W. Brown
