Tomorrow CAN be a better day

It’s your money and your health.

Last year I testified in Burlington to a panel of government officials, civic leaders, and doctors regarding my experience back in the early 1990’s without health care.  It was a challenging and difficult time for me and my family, and luckily we and our children were in good health and came through that hardship relatively unscathed.  

All around me, friends are losing jobs and health care, and those friends who do have healthcare are finding their coverage lessened as their costs rise astronomically.  

According to the Grassroots orgainization Billionaires for Wealthcare,45,000 people die every year because they can’t get access to the health care they need.  What kind of cruel third-world country have we become where corporate profits are more important than the health and welfare of our citizens.  

This video brings home the point that

AHIP is the powerful insurance lobby that spends 5 million dollars a week trying to kill health care reform. Billionaires for Wealthcare is a grassroots network looking to stop them – with song.

• AHIP and other insurance and HMO interests spend nearly $5 million per week undermining real health care reform, including a public option.

• AHIP has resorted to out-right lying and scare tactics to block health care reform. They sent letters that lie to seniors about what health care reform means for Medicare, and they issued a report on the costs of health care reform legislation that is so misleading even the reports embarrassed authors distanced themselves from the way AHIP used their work.

Every year as innocent hard working people die in one of the wealthiest countries on the planet,

AHIP continues to stand in the way of health care reform that would provide coverage to millions of Americans because the industry is more concerned with protecting profits than saving lives.

http://www.billionairesforweal… – check them out and join with them in cleverly bringing the point home in a non-violent way.

It’s your money and your health.  

2 thoughts on “Tomorrow CAN be a better day

  1. I testify quite a lot as well about what I went through several years ago, both with and without insurance, during an illness that nearly brought me to the grave.  

    “What kind of cruel third-world country have we become where corporate profits are more important than the health and welfare of our citizens.”

    It’s the great American dream.  


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