Save Net Neutrality

(A face from the past! Heya goDLC. – promoted by odum)

Don’t let freedom die in the name of Freedom.  While we focus on the big issues, such as War, and Health Care, pesky little issues, like attacks on Net Neutrality sneak, in the back door and gnaw at our freedom.

Today, Senator John McCain introduced legistlation to block the governement’s efforts to block net neutrality.

I’m sure most here know what this means, but just in case you don’t, here’s a quick run down.

You connect to the internet via an Internet Service Provider, such as:  Burlington Telecom, Comcast, Green Mountain Access, Sovernet, etc.

What if your Internet Service Provider could block your access to a certain search engine?  Let’s say that Yahoo pays Burlington Telecom to block access to Google- your freedom of choice would be limited.

Let’s say that a giant, oh I don’t know, beverage company wanted to block your internet access to the website of a small brewer…and they had the money to pay your ISP to make it happen.

Or let’s say that some rather conservative types at the ISP felt that a certain pesky website like Green Mountain Daily was getting too big for it’s britches…and decided make the connection so slow that most readers didn’t find it worth the wait.

While we are concentrating on the big things, like war, and health care, pesky little issues like net neutrality fly in under the radar, and, if we’re not careful, our lives, our freedom of speech, even the free market, get changed for the worse…

Please take a few minutes to write Leahy, Sanders, and Welch and remind them that you ARE paying attention…


You Tube Vid on Net Neutrality:…

3 thoughts on “Save Net Neutrality


    Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is the top recipient of campaign contributions from large Internet service providers like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast over the past two years, according to a new report from the Sunlight Foundation and the Center for Responsive Politics. McCain has taken in a total of $894,379 (much of that money going to support his failed 2008 bid for the presidency), more than twice the amount taken by the next-largest beneficiary, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. ($341,089).

    Meanwhile, McCain has emerged as the ISPs’ biggest champion against new “network neutrality” rules from the Federal Communications Commission, which voted Thursday to move forward in the process to adopt such rules. Shortly after the FCC vote, McCain introduced a bill (the “Internet Freedom Act”) that would block regulation of the nation’s largest broadband networ


  2. When you say McCain  “introduced legislation to block the government’s efforts to block net neutrality,” it sounds like McCain’s on the side of the netroots.

    Did you mean “introduced legislation to block the government’s efforts to require or enforce net neutrality”?

    It gets a bit clearer once you go to McCain’s press release website, where federal regulation is described as “onerus.”

    Thanks for posting this.


    [E]quality is the absolutely necessary condition for freedom … freedom outside of equality can create only privilege. ~ Mikhail Bakunin  

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