Where’s The Outrage?

Imagine that we heard today that school costs have skyrocketed and property taxes would rise next year by 11%.  The good people of the State of Vermont would be outraged.

And yet when we heard this week that the major insurers are increasing their premiums by that rate we hear nothing.

There are reasons why there is no scream of protest.  Most people do not write a check for their full medical coverage.  Some one else pays, typically their employer or the government.

Most don’t want to rock that boat.  Most don’t even know what the real cost of their coverage is.  Most don’t make the connection that this is money they could be receiving in pay.

We’re not going to get real health care reform until people have to start writing their own checks for their coverage.  Then, instead of the property tax check being the largest one that many write, it will be overtaken by that nasty health care one.


One thought on “Where’s The Outrage?

  1. Outrage at the situation might follow if it didn’t often get framed like this. From the Times -Argus ….

    “The premiums for Catamount Health, the state’s new insurance program, will likely increase next year but not nearly as much as had been feared.”

    As long as we feared worst its not bad news at all ! At least it didn’t rain or snow or flood …..

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